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AP Human Geography 2015-2016 AP Exam #1: Geography.

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Presentation on theme: "AP Human Geography 2015-2016 AP Exam #1: Geography."— Presentation transcript:

1 AP Human Geography AP Exam #1: Geography

2 What is meant by the hearth of diffusion?

3 What type of projection is this?

4 How do you read this type of map? What type of map is this?

5 When would you use a small-scale map
When would you use a small-scale map? When would you use a large-scale map?

6 How many degrees longitude represent 1 time zone?

7 What type of map is this? How is it used?

8 What is the difference between possibilism and determinism?

9 What is an example of a cultural or vernacular region?

10 Is this site or situation?
Refers to the location of a place relative to the physical and cultural characteristics around it.

11 Is this site or situation?
Refers to the location of a place relative to the physical and cultural characteristics around it.

12 Discuss the principle of distance decay

13 What is an example of a formal region?

14 What is this? What is its purpose?

15 What is an example of a functional region?

16 What type of map is this? What is its purpose?

17 What are some barriers to diffusion?

18 What type of projection is this
What type of projection is this? What is unique about this type of projection?

19 Types of Diffusion: Relocation Diffusion: Hierarchical Diffusion:

20 What does Tobler’s first law of geography state?
How does absolute and relative location differ? What is the difference between GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems)? What is Cartography? What is one example of a core country? Where would it fall on the demographic transition model?

21 Is this site or situation?
Refers to a place’s internal physical and cultural characteristics, such as its terrain and dominant religions.

22 Is this site or situation?
Refers to a place’s internal physical and cultural characteristics, such as its terrain and dominant religions.

23 Make sure to be able to describe this model

24 Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

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