Bell Ringers Week 2&3. Monday- Confusables  1. accept, except  Accept means "to receive". Example: Please accept my gift.  Except means "not including".


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringers Week 2&3

Monday- Confusables  1. accept, except  Accept means "to receive". Example: Please accept my gift.  Except means "not including". Example: I brought all the gifts except yours  2. advice, advise  Advice is an "opinion about what should be done". Example: She gives good advice.  Advise means "to recommend". Example: Please advise me on what to do.  3. affect, effect  Affect means "to influence". Example: Do not let the loss affect you.  An effect is "a result". Example: The loss did not have an effect on me.  4. all ready, already  All ready means "everything is ready". Example: We are all ready to move.  Already means "previously". Example: We already moved our things yesterday.  5. buy, by  Buy means "to purchase". Example: Please buy me a ticket.  By means "beside". Example: The book is by the table.  6. choose, chose  Choose means "to select". Example: Today, I will choose a new house.  Chose is the past tense of choose. Example: Yesterday, I chose a new house.  7. complement, compliment  Complement means "to make complete". Example: This hat will complement my new dress.  A compliment is something said in praise. Example: Thank you for the compliment about my dress.  8. emigrate, immigrate  Emigrate means "to leave one country to settle in another". Example: I intend to emigrate from Hong Kong.  Immigrate means "to come to live in a new country". Example: I intend to immigrate to Canada.  9. it's, its  It's is the short form of "it is". Example: It's in the dog house.  Its is a pronoun that shows ownership or possession. Example: The dog has its own house.  10. loose, lose  Loose means "not tight". Example: My pants are loose.  Lose means "to be defeated or no longer have". Example: I do not want to lose the game.

Tuesday - Edits Uncorrected Text: Paul revere was born on January He grew up to become a silversmith, but he were best known for his famous ride. On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere is sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming He stop at every house to warn they. Two other men, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, also rode hoarses, but Paul Revere became famous. All 3 men were arrested by the British but Hancock and Adams were safe. Find 10 mistakes

Tuesday - Edits Answer Key: Paul Revere was born on January 1, He grew up to become a silversmith, but he was best known for his famous ride. On April 18, 1775, Paul Revere was sent to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that the British were coming. He stopped at every house to warn them. Two other men, William Dawes and Samuel Prescott, also rode horses, but Paul Revere became famous. All three men were arrested by the British, but Hancock and Adams were safe.

Wednesday – Pick a Passage  Analyze how Steinbeck uses characterization in Of Mice and Men. Choose one character and the passage in the novel (so far) where that character is best described. Write down and correctly cite that passage. Then write 5-7 sentences on the characterization method Steinbeck uses. Does he use direct or indirect? Why do you think this passage best describes the character? OR  Why is it important to understand the 1930s before you read Of Mice and Men?

Thursday – Current Events  If you are NOT presenting, you will write a one paragraph response (5-7 sentences) on one of the current events presented. In the response you must include a topic sentence, some facts about the current event, and your opinion on the current event.

Monday – Confusables Quiz  Take five minutes to review your words and prepare for the quiz  Mark “Quiz” on your Bell Ringer Check Sheet

Tuesday - Edits Uncorrected Text: A blizard is different from a snowstorm because blizzards have really strong wins that blow at over 35 miles per our. Blizzards don’t always produce a lot of snow, but blowing snow make it very hard to see. Blizzards can last for three hour or more. Severe blizzards have three qualities: winds over 45 Miles per hour pour visibility, and tempatures that are 10 degree or below. Find 10 mistakes

Tuesday - Edits Answer Key: A blizzard is different from a snowstorm because blizzards have really strong winds that blow at over 35 miles per hour. Blizzards don’t always produce a lot of snow, but blowing snow makes it very hard to see. Blizzards can last for three hours or more. Severe blizzards have three qualities: winds over 45 miles per hour, poor visibility, and temperatures that are 10 degrees or below.

Wednesday – Keystone Writing  Analyze the use of foreshadowing in Of Mice and Men. Why does Steinbeck use foreshadowing? What examples of foreshadowing have you noticed that we have not yet discussed in class?  (5-7 sentences minimum)

Thursday – Current Events  If you are NOT presenting, you will write a one paragraph response (5-7 sentences) on one of the current events presented. In the response you must include a topic sentence, some facts about the current event, and your opinion on the current event.

Friday – Confusables Writing  Use the other five pairs of words from the list you did not use last week. Write one well-developed paragraph (5-7 sentences) using one of each of the five pairs.  Do not use the example sentences or any variation of them. Doing so will result in loss of credit for this assignment  New words on Monday