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How do we disturb the universe?. Pick up a handout from the front table Answer the questions you can about the types of chocolate there are.

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Presentation on theme: "How do we disturb the universe?. Pick up a handout from the front table Answer the questions you can about the types of chocolate there are."— Presentation transcript:

1 How do we disturb the universe?

2 Pick up a handout from the front table Answer the questions you can about the types of chocolate there are.

3 This will span the length of the novel – we will complete it once before reading (pre reading), and then revisit the same topics to see if any of our opinions changed since reading (post reading). After marking a response, I will ask for feedback on these concepts

4 Working with shoulder partner, discuss the vocabulary questions (PART 1 ONLY) Can you use text to define these words? We will revisit PART 2 after we read the chapters to see if we gained an understanding of the new words I suggest you staple it in your notebook or place in your folder (since it is sort of thick)… DO NOT LOSE THIS!!! TIME TO BEGIN READING…

5 Set up “Response Journal” – all the discussion questions are geared towards the text only; the journal will allow some personal response to the characters and plot development THIS IS WRITING ASSIGNMENT 1… After each reading installment, you will write a personal reaction. This will be in CONSECTIVE order in your ISN so leave about 4-5 pages (or more depending on your writing size!). Set it up in your TOC to reflect this. I will ultimately count this as a separate writing assignment grade so be thorough, insightful, creative, and personal.

6 Staple the reading questions in your book – we will use this sheet for the ENTIRE novel and come back to it after each installment for discussion questions. DO NOT LOSE IT!!! “Read” (i.e. listen) to the first chapter (s) Read independently to complete through chapter 5 – answer all questions Reading and Vocab Assessment to follow

7 WEDNESDAY – October 30 Reading Comprehension Vocabulary –Connotation –Denotation

8 Next installment: chapters 6-13 Complete Vocab Pre-Reading Text Sentences Listen to audio – chapters 6 – 9+ on Thursday and Friday, completing RRJ after each (10/31-11/1) SSR – chapters 10-13; Complete RRJ – Monday (11/4) Group Discussion Questions and Vocab Multiple Choice –Tuesday (11/5)

9 Group Discussion Questions with 5 o’clocks. Create a one word sentence that develops each chapter. Illustrate one vocab word TOTAL FORMATIVE POINTS: 20 Checking RRJ while you are working – worth 30 formative points

10 Choose any character from the novel and develop the events thus far from his perspective. Write as a person with an investment in the events, an emotional involvement - not as a summary or recollection. Please set up the heading of your paper to include your name, class period, date, and chosen character. Place in bin at the end of the class.

11 Thursday: Vocabulary Sheets (formative grade) Read Ch. 14 –Enter RRJ –Discuss Friday: Read Ch. 15 - 18 –RRJ –Discussion Monday: Independent Read – Ch. 19 –RRJ and Discussion Questions in ISN Team formatives – one question = one grade!!!

12 TUESDAY – WEDNESDAY: Complete a WebQuest (search) on your chosen topic: Make a list of questions you have about your topic in your ISN (leave room to write in answers you find during your research) Complete the resource sheet for each article you find useful and choose to use. Be sure to return to your questions with the answers you find after you have done some research! After you have the answers, and some other ideas jotted down (maybe some interesting things you discovered that you did not originally question), number them in an order you think would make sense when developing them into an “essay”

13 THURSDAY – FRIDAY: Drafting, Editing, Final Writing Continue your research to discover the answer to your questions about your topic. Remember to record source information in your packet – worth 20 points! Turn your thoughts in to a mini writing assignment – about 3-4 paragraphs - sharing what you discovered in your search (but remember to keep it in third person – it’s INFORMATIVE!) Make sure you cite the author from the source you are using (or the title if no author is given) Take some time over the weekend to review your text and edit your paper – turn in on Monday, 11/18 IF you feel confident before leaving for the weekend, you can turn it in on Friday Be sure you turn in the WHOLE packet for full credit – and a grade. Your rubric is built into the handout! Staple the writing piece to the back and place it in the bin.

14 Next 2 Installments: Chapters 20-26, 27-32 MONDAY –Vocab Preview –Group Reading TUESDAY –Group Reading WEDNESDAY –Silent Reading THURSDAY –Discussion Questions as class FRIDAY –RRJ checked for formative grade –Quiz – Reading and Vocabulary

15 11/25-26: Next Installment: Chapters 33-39 HOPEFULLY… we finish before break… –To do this, we will read through these final chapters without stopping… RRJ, discussion questions, and vocab are “on your own” assignments”. I may still check them for ISN checks – which will happen on duty day, 12/20! – so be sure to COMPLETE each element and leave notebooks here!!!

16 MONDAY, 12/2 Read lyrics while listening to music/watching video Answer these questions in your ISN… –What lines really stood out to you? –What does the “norm” mean? Is it difficult to vary from the norm for the average person? student? –How is Jerry’s relationship with authority figures (Brother Leon, his dad, football coach, etc.) similar/different to the children's in the video?

17 MONDAY, 12/2 - TUESDAY, 12/3 Read T.S. Elliot’s Love Song poem Answer the following questions: –How does the speaker handle indecision? –Does the speaker of the poem think it is worth it to disturb the universe? –What language in the poem makes you think disruption is worthwhile? What language discourages disruption?

18 Wednesday, Dec 4: Vocab Jumble –In teams, quickly work to determine what word has been written on the board – the define it! –10 points wins! (+2 on exam) Questions/Response –With your team, be the first to write a response on your white board –First team to 10 wins!!! (+2 on exam)

19 Thurs – Fri, Dec 5-6 –Each student will receive a unit test – there are several versions floating around so you are unlikely to have the same on as the person sitting next to you!!! –Take today and tomorrow to answer ALL questions that have been asked. –Be sure you write in COMPLETE sentences when asked for a written response! –Turn in answer sheet to bin upon completion.

20 Watch the movie version of TCW (Week of 12/9) Complete the chart provided to compare/contrast the movie version with the book (you might want to take notes during the movie to be best prepared!) Write to review – which did you like better… or did you like them equally? What events were different? Which were you surprised to see the same? WRITING ASSIGNMENT 3…Write to persuade Jerry: –Now that you have read and seen the events and experiences that led to Jerry’s decision, think about what you would have done. If you would have done the same, write to persuade him he made the right decision. If you would have done things differently, write to persuade him of that. DUE FRIDAY – 12/13.

21 WEEK OF 12/16-12/19: Handout with ideas will be provided. Students are permitted to work in groups of 2-3 (NO more than 3)!!! The group can choose what project to complete – it is DUE on THURSDAY, 12/19

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