Lesson 10 Cougars
BIG IDEA: Nature deserves our respect. Essential Questions BIG IDEA: Nature deserves our respect. Essential Question: What are the most important ideas about cougars?
Focus Wall Comprehension: Target Skill: Main Idea and Details(PB 109, 110) Target Strategy: Monitor, Clarify Spelling: Final Schwa + /r/ sounds (PB 112, 113, 114) Fluency: Stress Grammar: Quotations (PB 115, 116, 117, 119) Writing: Write to Respond Focus Trait: Sentence Fluency (PB 120) Decoding: Recognizing schwa + /r/ sounds Vocabulary Strategies: Analogies (PB 111)
Target Vocabulary Unobserved Available Detecting Mature Ferocious Resemble Particular Vary Contentment Keen
Monday Spelling Pre-test Grammar Poster Vocabulary in Context Target Skill Practice Book page or Comprehension Projectable Background First Read
Tuesday - Centers Mrs. Humphreys (Guided Reading or story discussion) I can read fluently and with expression. I can use details from the text and my prior knowledge to draw conclusions. Copy the organizer on the last page into your reading notebook. You will fill this out after reading the story. Read the story aloud. Pause at punctuation and use expression. 3) Discuss and complete the organizer. Story Discussion I can use the text to answer question.
Tuesday - Centers Computer – Math video (Fraction Basics) I can identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction. I can explain what the numerator and denominator represent. I can apply my knowledge of fractions to word problems.
Tuesday - Centers Character sketch I can draw conclusions about a character from the story. I can represent the character and conclusion with a picture. Use details from the text and your prior knowledge to draw a conclusion about a character from the text. Represent that character with a picture (I should be able to determine you conclusion through your illustration).
Tuesday Centers Character sketch Computer – Math video (Fraction Basics) I can identify the numerator and denominator in a fraction. I can explain what the numerator and denominator represent. I can apply my knowledge of fractions to word problems. Character sketch I can draw conclusions about a character from the story. I can represent the character and conclusion with a picture. Use details from the text and your prior knowledge to draw a conclusion about a character from the text. Represent that character with a picture (I should be able to determine you conclusion through your illustration).
Wednesday Centers
Wednesday Homework: Complete the Deepen Comprehension Questions.
Thursday Finish reading story together Assessment Grade Homework: Writing Trait in Practice Book
Friday WAA Paired Selection