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??? 19L19R 6/15/11 Do Now: Why does the inside of the fruit look red and the outside looks green? Standard 6b: Students know that for an object to be seen,

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Presentation on theme: "??? 19L19R 6/15/11 Do Now: Why does the inside of the fruit look red and the outside looks green? Standard 6b: Students know that for an object to be seen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ??? 19L19R 6/15/11 Do Now: Why does the inside of the fruit look red and the outside looks green? Standard 6b: Students know that for an object to be seen, light emitted by it must be detected by the eye Objective: Students will explain how the eyes see light and how the brain creates the image New Plan for the End of the Semester

2 Use page 17R to help you answer the question above. Please write a 5-7 sentence paragraph and 10 vocabulary words. Draw a picture of the light source, fruit, eye and brain. 6/15/11 --Do Now: Why does the inside of the fruit look red and the outside is green? 19 L CorneaLens Pupil Retina Optic Nerve

3 Answer: The inside of the watermelon appears red because the white light strikes it, but only the red light gets reflected out and into the baby’s eye. First it goes through his cornea, then pupil, lens, and the retina. The cone cells in the retina that sense red light send a message to the brain. This same thing happens for the green part of the watermelon, but because it is a different material than the red part, it reflects the green light and absorbs the red light. This activates different cone cells. 6/15/11 --Do Now: Why does the inside of the fruit look red and the outside is green? 19 L Cornea Lens Pupil Retina Optic Nerve

4 New Plan for End of the Semester Please copy in your notebook!!! Today June 15 (50 min) Thursday June 16 (120 min) Friday June 17 (120 min) Monday June 20 (120 min) Tuesday June 21 (50 min) Wednesday June 22 (50 min) Thursday June 23 (110 min) Friday June 24 (50 min) Per1, 5 Project Study guide for exam HW= Project and study guide Per1, 5 Frog Dissection HW = Project and study guide for exam Per1, 5 No Class HW = Project and study guide Per1, 5 Due = Project Thank You Cards HW = Study guide for exam Per1, 5 Unit 10 Exam Per1, 5 Grade Exam Pass back projects Per1, 5 No Class Per1, 5 Jeopardy Game Final Grade given 19 R

5 Today June 15 (50 min) Thursday June 16 (120 min) Friday June 17 (120 min) Monday June 20 (120 min) Tuesday June 21 (50 min) Wednesday June 22 (50 min) Thursday June 23 (110 min) Friday June 24 (50 min) Per 2/4/6 Project Study guide for exam Per 2/4/6 No Class HW = Project and study guide Per 2/4/6 Due = Project Frog Dissection HW = Study guide for exam Per 2/4/6 No Class HW = Study guide for exam Per 2/4/6 Unit 10 Exam Per 2/4/6 Grade Exam Pass back projects Per 2/4/6 Thank You Cards What did I learn? Per 2/4/6 Jeopardy Game Final Grade given New Plan for End of the Semester Please copy in your notebook!!! 19 R

6 For TODAY, you can SILENTLY work on: 1.Vision Project or 2. Study guide for exam These are your LAST two grades in Science. If you work hard, it WILL make a difference!!! EXIT PASS FOR TODAY= STAMPED COMPLETED WORK

7 Unit 10 Exam—Study Guide Stand. 6a: Waves and Electromagnetic Spectrum Stand. 6b: Light must be reflected by an object and into the eye. Stand. 6e: Light is a mix of many wavelengths and the retina reacts differently to each color. Stand. 5g: Eye parts and their functions. 5 Ways to Prepare for the UNIT 10 EXAM in 5 Days: 1.Brain-pop(THURSDAY): Go to and use the “palmbeach” to watch videos and take practice quizzes on the videos about Light, Electromagnetic Spectrum, Color, and 2.Workbook(FRIDAY): Read and complete pp. 29-37, 38-40 (up until #7), and 46-48 3. Vocabulary(SATURDAY) Memorize all flashcards AND cornea, pupil, iris, retina, rods 4. Notebook(SUNDAY): Review and highlight pp. 1-18 5. Power-point Presentations(MONDAY): Go on and review all the presentations from class under 20 R

8 Vision Project: How do I see??? Objective: Students will explain how light, their eyes, and their brain work together to allow them to see their favorite fruit or vegetable. On page 17 R, we took notes on how Homer sees his donut. Now it is your turn to explain how you are able to see your favorite fruit or vegetable. Due Date: Thursday/Friday (June 16/ 17)

9 Notes: Vision has 5 steps 1. The lamp shines visible light (7 colors) onto the blue doughnut. 3. The blue doughnut REFLECTS the blue light waves out and into his cornea, pupil, and lens. 4. Homer’s lenses FOCUS the light onto the retina. The image is upside down. The retina turn this image into electrical signals and sends them to the brain by the optic nerves. 5. Homer’s brain receives the signal from the optic nerves. It turns the image right side up. 17 R

10 Project Requirements: 1.Include DETAILED information about each of the 5 steps of vision (from the light source to the brain.) 2. Include both pictures and written information. 3. All information needs to be correct and based on pages 38-64 in the textbook and/or our notes from pages 1L-17R in the notebook. 4. Include 10 vocabulary words from the word wall. Underline them. 5. Organize the information and pictures on the page so it is easy to understand. Use all white space, correct spelling and punctuation. Points: /15 /5 POINTS POSSIBLE= 35 GRADE: 5= 31-35 4 = 25-30 3 = 20-24 2 = 13-19  1 = 12 or below  Please copy on page 18R in notebook. 18R

11 1.Poster—explain the 5 steps with pictures, arrows, and paragraphs 2. Comic Strip—explain the 5 steps in a comic strip format 3. Fictional Story with illustrations—write a story with a setting, characters, plot, & pictures that explain the 5 steps of vision Please don’t forget: Title (make it funny!) Name, Date, Period Drawings or pictures Make your project correct and complete You have CHOICES of what you will make!!!

12 Vision Project Rough Draft 18L 1.I will make a _________. (poster, comic strip, or story) 2.The fruit or vegetable I will use is ________. 3.My rough draft  Directions: Please quietly work on your rough draft. When you are finished, I will stamp it. Those with a stamp will leave class on time today. Then begin the FINAL DRAFT on a white paper that I will give you. You will have 40 min. in class on Wed. to work on the final draft. The final draft will be due on Thurs/Fri. before the Unit 10 test. HOMEWORK: FINISH YOUR FINAL DRAFT OF THE PROJECT!!! Please review the project requirements on page 18R in notebook. This power-point is also on the school website!!! HAVE FUN WITH THIS PROJECT, BE CREATIVE, AND SHOW ME ALL YOU HAVE LEARNED ABOUT LIGHT AND VISION!!!!

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