1 The European Environment Agency and emissions from international maritime transport John van Aardenne, Air and Climate Change Programme February 9, 2011.


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Presentation transcript:

1 The European Environment Agency and emissions from international maritime transport John van Aardenne, Air and Climate Change Programme February 9, 2011 at the European Climate Change Programme II – WG Ships

2 The European environment – state and outlook 2010 Maritime transport emissions in SOER 2010 thematic assessments: a.Air pollution Many climate change mitigation policies are positive in terms of also improving air qualityMany climate change mitigation policies are positive in terms of also improving air quality …as emissions of NO X from land-based sources decrease, there is a growing awareness of the increasingly important contribution to Europe's NO X emissions from national and international shipping…. b. Mitigating climate change "International aviation and shipping account for an additional 310 million tonnes of CO 2 -equivalent (about 6 % of total EU 27 GHG emissions excluding LULUCF) Shipping presents a global problem:

3 EEA and monitoring of EU27 GHG emissions: Annual submission of the greenhouse gas inventory of the European Union to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol. Input from MS reports copied to EEA/COM under EU GHG monitoring mechanism. Published: 02 June 2010 with GHG emissions for EU27 International bunker emission are reported separately and are excluded from the national totals (memo item). Method: bunker fuel statistics from data taken from national energy balances. Following IPCC 1996 Guidelines. Emissions decreased by 2.1 % between 2007 and 2008 to 171 million tonnes of CO 2 for international shipping. However, emissions increased by ~60% between 1990 and 2008.

4 Greenhouse gas emissions by main sector in EU-27 in 2008 (EEA, 2010)

5 Different estimates for EU27 emissions: Difference between EU27 emissions (171 Mt CO 2 -eq.) as included as memo in EU UNFCCC inventory and other studies using different methodologies (e.g. CE Delft, 311 Mt CO 2 -eq.) This indicate that traditional fuel balances as used in national inventories, have shortcomings in measuring all aspects of int. transport (e.g. fuel sold outside EU to EU inbound ships). Potential benefits of monitoring individual ships fuel consumption Better insight in quality of bunker fuel statistics incl. energy balances. Split between domestic and international bunker fuel statistics (domestic navigation is subject to emission reduction targets) Link with air quality: monitoring of individual ship emissions could improve the quality of air pollution emission inventories and as such improve monitoring/reduction of impact of int. shipping on air quality.

6 Further reading: What is EEA: The European environment – state and outlook 2010: EU greenhouse gas inventory report: inventory-2010 EEA GHG data viewers: Country profiles: