 The energy that cells need comes originally from the sun  Chloroplasts in plant cells trap light energy from the sun and change it into chemical energy.


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Presentation transcript:

 The energy that cells need comes originally from the sun  Chloroplasts in plant cells trap light energy from the sun and change it into chemical energy  The chemical energy is stored in bonds

 Chemical energy is stored in bonds between atoms of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen  Both plant and animal cells break down the molecules by breaking the bonds  Energy is released when the bonds are broken  Cells can either use the energy or store it  The mitochondria in plant and animal cells use oxygen to release the energy in chemical bonds

 Cells store chemical energy In ATP molecules  When a cell needs energy, the ATP is broken down

 The nucleus of plant and animal cells is the control center of the nucleus  The nucleus contains DNA and RNA.  DNA has the instructions, or the code, for the entire cell  DNA and RNA work together to make proteins  DNA in the cell’s nucleus determines what kind of cell it is.

 When a cell divides and becomes two cells, information needs to be passed on to the new cell  This means that the DNA doubles when a cell divides  A new cell contains the needed information to carry out all of the cell’s activities