Florence Meeting, 12-14 September 2001 Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS Interim Report 6.1 – Information Dissemination D 13 – Information.


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Presentation transcript:

Florence Meeting, September 2001 Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS Interim Report 6.1 – Information Dissemination D 13 – Information Dissemination Activities Report WP 6 INFORMATION DISSEMINATION AIT ONB SR IMAC SUL TARX MUS MOT SPAC CC IAT ICCS ZEUS VALT TINC

Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS IR 6.1 Information Dissemination Interim Report 6.1 – Information Dissemination purpose quarterly updated template schedule tool a living document to report carried out dissemination activities to provide a plan of foreseen activities

Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS IR 6.1 Information Dissemination Interim Report 6.1 – First version gives an overview the activities already carried out (first Bimonthly Report) analyses the foreseen dissemination activities (Technical Annex) describes the methodology that has been followed for the template provides a list of events for the first year of the project

Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS IR 6.1 Information Dissemination Template publications (printed and electronic) presentations at conferences, meetings, seminars web sites other conventional & electronic printed matter contribution(s) to standardisation bodies and to special interest groups contacts other dissemination plan regularly checked detailed descriptions supplied in annexes overview, by categories, of carried out and planned activities. IR 6.1 Updates

Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS IR 6.1 Information Dissemination List of events where REGNET could be presented conferences workshopsforums meetings

Regnet CULTURAL HERITAGE IN REGIONAL NETWORKS IR 6.1 Information Dissemination ASAP ! Your contributions…