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Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-06-24 - 2002-06-26.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-06-24 - 2002-06-26."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET Project Meeting Content Group 2002-06-24 - 2002-06-26

2 2 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Detailed agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-06-25 9:00 - 9:15 Opening Session 1: Usability Tests 9:15 - 9:30IntroductionIntroduction 9:30 - 10:30Working GroupsWorking Groups Usability criteria for the REGNET system Questionnaires - questions & task [Card Sorting exercise] [Card Sorting exercise] 10:30 - 11:00Coffee break 11:00 - 11:30Presentation & Discussion Report by rappateur, agreement Session 2: Functional Tests 11:30 - 11:45IntroductionIntroduction 11:45 - 13:00Working groups Discussion (together with technical partners !?Working groups Validation day Flexible course of this session!

3 3 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Detailed agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-06-25 13:00 - 14:00 Lunch Break Session 3: Content Tests 14:00 - 14:15IntroductionIntroduction 14:15 - 15:15Working groupsWorking groups Define necessary content quality criteria 15:15 - 16:00Presentation & Discussion Report by rappateur, agreement 16:00 - 16:30 Coffee Break Session 4: Content Collection (Plan) - Other content types 16:30 - 16:45IntroductionIntroduction 16:45 - 17:15Working groupsWorking groups Working on the templates for other object types, Issues to be agreed upon with regard to the collecting of content Validation day

4 4 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Detailed agenda 2nd day Tuesday, 2002-06-25 Session 4: Content Collection (Plan) (cont) 17:15 - 18:00Presentation & Discussion Report by rappateur, agreement 18:00 - 18:30Summary of 2nd day Validation day What we have prepared: - Introductions to the methodology - Tools & instruments - Tasks for working groups - Suggestion for task assignment - To Dos after Sofia See set of working materials!

5 5 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group 2nd day - High-level planning Session 1: Remaining issues 1st day 11:00 - 12:00 - Data entry - How to proceed? - Presentation of Object Publisher (Walter) Session 2 Short overview about validation/task assignment 12:00 - 12.30 - Short overview about the tests to be carried out - Draft for task assignment Session 3 Status reports 12:30 - 15:00 Starting with MECH Common session with technical partners regarding functional testing 15:00 - 16:00

6 6 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Data preparation Part 1: Data Entry Issues Object Publisher AIT - Steps, status/available databases - Open issues 11:00 - 12:00

7 7 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Data entry - Issues, questions - How will the data be processed? - Is there any effort necessary from the side of the content providers? - Could you process all data (formats) more or less automatically? - How should new data be managed (cataloguing, uploading) - Use the templates Vic provided? - Any local solution? (CMS) - When will all databases be available? The actual process of data conversion seems to be very time-intensive - How could the further process of export be supported by the content providers – which tools/respe. formats?

8 8 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Data entry - Testing strategy Test is needed for: - Conversion of data (integrity check) - Content quality criteria - Tools: Functionality !

9 9 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Detailed agenda 3nd day Wednesday, 2002-06-26 Open and remaining issues (3rd Day) 8:30 - 10:45Open, remaining issues Consolidation, planning, reporting Report by rappateur, agreement 10:45End of content group meeting

10 10 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Status reports [could not be finished during the meeting] All partners should send their presentations to AIT for publishing on the web site: - to prepare review meeting - to give other partners possibility to inform about status of data generation/data available

11 11 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Review Meeting Review Meeting 2002-07-04 Planning: Content related issues WP 2.1 Presentation of content cases (30 minutes) 1. Introduction - Tasks, work done, status (IMAC) 10 minutes 2. Tools for (offline) data entry (TARX) 5 minutes 3. Topic map structuring (TARX) 5 minutes 4. Content Cases 1 - SUL 5. Content Cases 2 - TARX (MECH/GRAN) 6. Content Cases 3 - ICCS Technical partners should prepare demos using real data. Already fixed for E-Shop (NRM, LMG, GRAN) [ZEUS] Final preparation (after lunch)

12 12 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Validation concept 2002-06-26 Validation concept!

13 13 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Usability Functionality Tasks Content Performance Does it work as promised? ScheduleReporting procedures User Experts Can the (end) user work with the system? Does the content meet expectations? Does it deliver in time, without cracking under heavy load? Test based on functional requirements User exercises, card sorting, heuristics Online tests against defined quality criteria Load and stress tests What? Why? How? Validation framework

14 14 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Test strategy - overview Interviews/ Inspection Questionnaires Checklists Carrying out the tests (1st phase) Professionals Administrators (people who should work with the system) Developers People who developed the system and must implement changes Internal Test User (Consortium) Experts People with special know-how (e. g. designer which could judge about special aspects of the system ( e. g. usability) Validation PM IMAC Instruments & Guidelines Results (Reporting workflow) Effort foreseen: approx. 18 PM [2002-06-30]

15 15 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Test strategy - overview Carrying out the tests (2nd phase) Professionals Administrators: Customers End Users Visitors, cultural workers (e. g. artists) External Test User REGNET partners (consortium) WP 4 Demonstration Phase [ 2002-07-01 - End of the project] Validation PM TARX

16 16 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group To Dos in Sofia and after Sofia Workplan for Sofia 1. Agreement on test user groups (professionals) 2. Finalise usability questionnaires 3. Finalise usability criteria (REGNET Usability Index) 4. Define content quality criteria 5. Evaluate templates for additional object types (Portal) 6. Agree upon relevant content for the portal 6. Agreement on test cases - necessary functional tests 7. Definition of technical quality criteria (performance criteria/scenarios) Working groups Plenum/ special working groups Task assignment and scheduling (high-level planning)

17 17 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group To Dos in Sofia and after Sofia Tasks to be assigned (during the meeting) Performance tests Technical partners Functional testsTechnical/content partners 1. Estimation of total number of test cases => Development of missing test cases 2. Carry out test cases - distribution of work (n test cases per partner) At the moment: 72 test cases available. Suggestion (to be discussed): 3 partners to carry out the tests at the side of the content providers Could be the person directly involved in the project 3. Carry out further tests Estimation: 10 days (for 300 test cases) Estimation: 0,5 hour per test case (including reporting and quality assurance) => 2 days per partner Common session with technical partners

18 18 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Tasks to be assigned (during the meeting) Usability tests Content partners 1. Carry out heuristic evaluation (portal, end user view) Suggestion (to be discussed): 3 heuristic tests = 3 persons = 3 partners Usability experts / persons with experience in computers + internet (overview about similar web sites projects) Estimation: 1 day per day (test), 1 day reporting => 2 days per partner Start depends on the status of the portal, the whole testing process could be seen as a further requirements definition To Dos in Sofia and after Sofia

19 19 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Tasks to be assigned (during the meeting) Usability tests Content partners 2. Carry out scenario based tests (Tester and test person) Suggestion (to be discussed): 2 tests per partner = approx. 30 tests For the 1st phase: test persons with professional back- ground within your organisation (experience with the tasks the system is intended to support) 3. Carry out card sorting experiments (navigational structure of portal - 1st phase: adminstrative view) Suggestion (to be discussed): 3 tests per partner, all professional groups represented (equally) Estimation: 1 day for carrying out 2 tests and reporting. => 1 day per partner Estimation: 1 hour per test => 0,5 days per partner To Dos in Sofia and after Sofia

20 20 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Tasks to be assigned (during the meeting) Content tests Content partners 1. Check the integrity of your data (data bases) Must be done by each content provider with own data! 2. Check the quality of your data Must be done by each content provider with own data! Estimation: 1 day per partner Could not be estimated (depends on the degree of content quality?) To Dos in Sofia and after Sofia

21 21 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Most important tasks Expert group for heuristic testing of portal Catalogue of criteria available Expert group for validation of language(s) Could be done on the basis of the content quality assurance sheets Partners responsible for functional tests Assignment of tasks according to the components presented E-Shop/Catalogue Management Auction System E-Publishing Topic Map (Generator), Viewer? Data Generation Search (Multi-Site search?) Portal (Heuristic Evaluation)

22 22 June 2002REGNET Project Team Meeting Content Group Most important tasks Generate new content Catalogue of criteria available Translate existing content Must be a task of the content providers. Work must be distributed according to native language! Suggestion: group of technical and content partner...

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