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Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET. October 2001Project presentation REGNET 2 WP 5 - Overview Development of a Technological Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET. October 2001Project presentation REGNET 2 WP 5 - Overview Development of a Technological Implementation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Heritage in REGional NETworks REGNET

2 October 2001Project presentation REGNET 2 WP 5 - Overview Development of a Technological Implementation Plan Task 5.1 – Development of TIP (draft) from 2001-04-01 to 2002-03-31 Task 5.2 – Refinement of TIP in the light of demonstration phase and user feedback from 2002-04-01 to 2003-03-31 2003-03-31: TIP final version

3 October 2001Project presentation REGNET 3 T 5.1 – Description of work Development of an exploitation plan on different levels Content Providers Service Providers Business Access Points Inclusion of new models of co-operations and partnerships

4 October 2001Project presentation REGNET 4 T 5.1 - Overview Development of TIP Customized TIP template from CORDIS Gathering and integration of partners contributions Contributors: AIT, MOT, SPAC, CC, IAT, ZEUS, VALT, TINC

5 October 2001Project presentation REGNET 5 T 5.1 – Status / Plan IR 5.1 Version 5 is available (included in Review Documentation on paper/CD) Further description of intentions from each partner Refinement of draft TIP version.

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