The EarthLink Opportunity  The EarthLink Network is the next generation internet service provider. Whether it’s dial-up, high-speed, voice, web hosting,


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Presentation transcript:

The EarthLink Opportunity  The EarthLink Network is the next generation internet service provider. Whether it’s dial-up, high-speed, voice, web hosting, wireless, or “EarthLink Extras” like home networking or security, EarthLink connects people to the power and possibilities of the Internet.  The EarthLink Network offers its Users  High-Quality Connectivity  Minimal Online Intrusions  Customizable Features  The EarthLink Network is able to provide  Access to a Highly Desirable, Affluent Audience  Integrated Opportunities  Premium Sponsorships and Advertising Placements

Page Views and Unique Users In March 2008,  Users of The EarthLink Network turned over 650,000,000 pages and generated 4 billion ad impressions. According Spring 2008,  EarthLink reaches 9,501,000 unique Data Provided by March 2008 SiteCatalyst The EarthLink Network includes,, and, Spring 2008 Survey

The EarthLink Network Offers a Great Environment Profile PointEarthLink Composition % Male Female 43.6% 56.4% Adults Adults % 59.2% HHI $50,000+ HHI $75,000+ HHI $100, % 46.4% 27.7% Any College College Grad/Post Grad 78.9% 54.6% The Highly Desirable Audience of EarthLink Data Provided Spring2008 Survey

How Do EarthLink’s Demographics Compare to its Competition? Data Provided Spring2008 Survey PROFILE POINT EARTHLINK COMPOSITION %AOL COMPOSITION % UNITED ONLINE ISP COMPOSITION % YAHOO COMPOSITION %MSN COMPOSITION % Male43.6%40.4%39.8%43.9%45.3% Female56.4%59.6%60.2%56.1%54.7% Adults %54.4%55.5%59.3%58.0% Adults %58.4%66.5%65.8%65.7% Average Age HHI $50, %65.6%64.4%66.3%68.5% HHI $75, %43.7%40.9%43.6%45.7% HHI $100, %25.5%23.6%25.5%26.7% Average HHI Income $ 80,671 $ 78,170 $ 75,660 $ 78,078 $ 80,062 Any College78.9%75.3%77.8%78.1%79.3% College Grad/Post Grad54.6%47.6%46.8%51.0%52.4% Professional/Managerial34.2%29.8%31.0%33.8%36.0% Any Employed Women35.5%36.1%37.1%36.0%36.3%

The Portals of the EarthLink Network myEarthLink PeoplePC


The EarthLink Network Roadblock: myEarthLink Front Door Placement OPPORTUNITIES  300 x 250 Ownership

The EarthLink Network Roadblock: myEarthLink Front Door Placements OPPORTUNITIES  300 x 250 Ownership  650 x 100 Ownership

The EarthLink Network Roadblock: myEarthLink Front Door Placements OPPORTUNITIES  300 x 250 Ownership  650 x 100 can collapse to a Logo and Text Link

The EarthLink Network Roadblock or Sponsorship: PeoplePC Front Door Placements OPPORTUNITIES  300 x 250 Ownership  160 x 600 Ownership  70 x 19 logo placements  Shop For Text Links  300 x x 600

The EarthLink Network Roadblock: PeoplePC Log-in Placement OPPORTUNITIES  120 x 240 Ownership

The EarthLink Network Roadblock: Webmail Preview Placement OPPORTUNITIES  300 x 250 Ownership

The EarthLink Network: Channel Roadblock OPPORTUNITIES  728 x 90 Ownership  120 x 600 Ownership

The EarthLink Network: myEarthLink Front Door Textlinks & Logos OPPORTUNITIES 1)Shop For Line - $30K 2)Partner Spotlight - $25K 3)Partner Logo Line - $40K 4)Seasonal Line - $20K (Not Shown, appears below Partner Spotlight line) 5)Today at EarthLink- Special Offer (TAE) - $10K 2 Million Impressions Per day per Link

The EarthLink Network: PeoplePC Front Door Textlinks & Logos OPPORTUNITIES 1)Seasonal Line 2)Shop For Line 3)Sponsor Line

The EarthLink Network myEarthLink Widget OPPORTUNITIES  3 Text Links

The EarthLink Network Stock Quotes Widget Sponsorship OPPORTUNITIES Clickable Logo/ Advertising Message Placement (120x60) and One Text ink Additional Text links available

The EarthLink Network myEarthLink Travel Widget OPPORTUNITIES Two Textlinks One Logo placement for one partner

The EarthLink Network myEarthLink Shopping Widget OPPORTUNITIES 1)Shopping Widget Strip 2)Special Offer 3)Store Fronts 1 2 3

The EarthLink Network PeoplePC Marketplace 1 OPPORTUNITIES 1)Marketplace – Special Offers 2)Marketplace - Quicklinks 2

728x90 The EarthLink Network myEarthLink Shopping OPPORTUNITIES 1)728x90 2)Featured Store Tiles (88x31) 3)300x

The EarthLink Network PeoplePC Front Door: 180x150 OPPORTUNITY 1)180x150

The EarthLink Network PeoplePC Front Door: 180x150 & 160x600 2 OPPORTUNITY 1)180x150 2)160x600 1

The EarthLink Network PeoplePC Front Door: 120x240 OPPORTUNITY 1)120x240

The EarthLink Network Channel Pages: 728x90 & 120x600 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)120x600

The EarthLink Network Channel Pages: 728x90, 300x250, & 180x150 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)300x250 3)180x150

The EarthLink Network Finance MarketWatch Pages: 728x90 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)300x250

The EarthLink Network Finance Stock Market Pages: 728x90, 300x250, & 180x150 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)300x250 3)180x150

The EarthLink Network Business Resource Center: 728x90 & 120x600 Text link placements available OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)120x60

The EarthLink Network Keyword & General Search: 160x600 TARGETED KEYWORD SEARCH  Formatted keywords are provided by Client in an excel spreadsheet  When a user types in a word or phrase, we can serve a 160x600 Wide Skyscraper that ties back to the user’s search  Keywords are sold on an impressions/ CPM basis and not on a bidding process GENERAL SEARCH  160x600 Wide Skyscraper serves regardless of the user’s search

The EarthLink Network Video Player: 728x90 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90

The EarthLink Network Secure Webmail: 120x x600* OPPORTUNITY 1)120x600 (requires a secure tag)

The EarthLink Network Webmail Inbox: Premium Webmail Strip, 160x600, & 728x90 OPPORTUNITY 1)Premium Webmail Strip (180x25) 2)160x600 3)728x90

The EarthLink Network PeoplePC Channel Pages: 728x90 & 120x600 OPPORTUNITY 1)728x90 2)120x600

Anytime, anywhere, EarthLink connects people to the power and possibilities of the Internet. We deliver a reliable and personalized experience our customers trust.

For Further Information or a Partnership Campaign, Please Contact: Office: Cell: Fax: Office: Cell: Fax: National Representative Claude Hulet Senior Account Executive The EarthLink Network