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[ Insert your logo ] [ Site name ] 2012 Media Kit Prepared by [ Your name ], [ Your title ]

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Presentation on theme: "[ Insert your logo ] [ Site name ] 2012 Media Kit Prepared by [ Your name ], [ Your title ]"— Presentation transcript:

1 [ Insert your logo ] [ Site name ] 2012 Media Kit Prepared by [ Your name ], [ Your title ]

2 About [ Site name ] [Site Name] is a one stop destination for [site content.] With an audience composed mostly of [ general audience description], [Site Name] provides a host of resources for visitors, including [List of Site Features / Sections.] At [Site Name], we’re constantly keeping up on news and issues that are most relevant to our visitors, and pride ourselves on publishing premium content all the time. At [Site Name], we provide a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities to help bring visibility to your business. We’ve created a platform that will help you engage with your clients and present your brand at the forefront of the industry. Demo Graphics: Xx,xxx impressions served Xx,xxx page views X,xxx unique visitors The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012

3 Listings - Basic Includes business name, address, phone, website & email Appears after Showcase and premium listings Cost effective sponsorship Limited visibility The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012

4 Listings - Premium Includes business name, address, phone, website, email & summary description Appears below showcase listing Contrasted background to stand out against basic and free listings Increased visibility compared to basic and free.

5 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Listings - Showcase Highest Level of Visibility Includes a preview image, an image gallery, embedded video, enhanced descriptions, Google Maps & More! Rotates on the homepage in the “Featured Listing” Section Appears first in the listing section above all other listings Serves as a mini “website” to serve informative data to potential customers Optimal Visibility Extensive Promotional Information Great for Lead Generation

6 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Events - Basic Includes Event Title, Start / End Date, Event Address, & Phone Appears after Showcase and Premium Events Cost Effective Sponsorship Limited Visibility Limited Promotional information

7 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Events - Premium Includes Event Title, Start / End Date, Event Address, Phone, Start / End Time, Event Description and Event Preview Image Appears after Showcase events Enhanced Visibility Enhanced Promotional information

8 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Events - Showcase Includes Event Title, Start / End Date, Event Address, Phone, Start /End Time, Event Description. Event Preview Image, Photo Gallery & Google Maps. Rotates on the homepage in the “Featured Events” section Appears First in the section, above all other events Optimal Visibility Extensive Promotional information Serves as a mini “website” to serve informative data to potential customers Great for Lead Generation

9 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Classifieds - Basic Includes Classified’s Title, Preview Image, Short Description, Contact Phone, Email & Price Appears after Showcase and Premium Events Cost Effective Sponsorship Limited Visibility Limited Promotional information

10 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Classifieds - Premium Includes Classified’s Title, Preview Image, Short Description, Detail Description, Photo Gallery, Contact Name Email & Phone Appears just below the Showcase classifieds Enhanced Visibility Enhanced Promotional information Serves as a mini “website” to serve informative data to potential customers

11 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Articles Includes Title, Publication Date, Author, Abstract, Photo Gallery, Author Appears in the “Recent Articles” section on the homepage Appears in the “Featured Articles” section in the Articles Page Excellent for Thought Leadership Great for Lead Generation

12 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Banners Target your banner under a specific section most relevant to your business Target by Category throughout the listing section to achieve ultimate relevancy Great for branding Develop multi-frame messages Multiple formats accepted Target your banner under a specific section most relevant to your business Target by Category throughout the listing section to achieve ultimate relevancy Great for branding Develop multi-frame messages Multiple formats accepted

13 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Rate card Listings TypeImpressionsDurationsCost Basic1.0001 month$20 Premium1.0001 month$40 Showcase1.0001 month$80 Events TypeImpressionsDurationsCost Basic1.0002 months$10 Premium1.0002 months$40 Showcase1.0002 months$80 Classifieds TypeImpressionsDurationsCost Basic1.0002 months$10 Premium1.0002 months$40 Showcase1.0002 months$80 Banner Ads Top Leaderboard ImpressionsDurationsCost Bottom Leaderboard 1.0001 month$10 Sponsored Link 1.0001 month$40 Sponsored Image 1.0001 month$80 Listings TypeImpressionsDurationsCost Basic1.0001 month$20 Premium1.0001 month$40 Showcase1.0001 month$80 Articles TypeImpressionsDurationsCost Showcase1.0003 months$80

14 The Leading Online Directory Software 10/07/2012 Thank you! Have Questions? Interested in talking about some of the opportunities? Please call me at [Phone Number] [Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Email]

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