DO NOW: What are Civil Rights? Is it better to live in Multi-cultural areas or one where there is just one culture? Explain.


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Presentation transcript:

DO NOW: What are Civil Rights? Is it better to live in Multi-cultural areas or one where there is just one culture? Explain

South Africa & Apartheid

Cultures Clash The Dutch set up a trade station near the Cape of Good Hope. The Europeans who settled in South Africa called themselves Afrikaners. Eventually, the British took control of most of South Africa.

Cultures Clash The British and the Afrikaners fought each other for control of South Africa. The British also fought with the Zulu tribe. The British eventually defeated the Afrikaners and Zulus and declared South Africa an independent country in 1910.

The Birth of Apartheid The white-controlled government of South Africa created laws to keep land and wealth in the hands of whites. They created a system called APARTHEID, which was designed to separate South African society into groups based on race: whites, blacks, Coloreds, and Asians.

Apartheid Takes Hold

The Impact of Apartheid Blacks were forced to move to poor rural areas called HOMELANDS. Blacks had to carry identification. Separate schools, restaurants, and hospitals were created for whites and blacks.

The Impact of Apartheid

Blacks could not vote. Blacks were kept in low-paying jobs.

The Struggle to Defeat Apartheid After many years of protests from black South Africans and pressure from foreign countries, APARTHEID was finally ended by President F.W. de Klerk. In 1994, Nelson Mandela, who had spent 28 years in prison for fighting APARTHEID, was elected president of South Africa during the country’s first multiracial election.

Issues Facing South Africa Today –economic inequality (whites still control most of wealth) –fear of change –HIV/AIDS

Unsung Heroes—Directions 1.You are responsible for completing your clue sheet by asking your classmate questions. 2.You must also respond to people who are trying to figure out who you are. 3.You can give only yes or no answers when asked about your identity. 4.Move around the classroom, read a clue to a person, and ask if the clue matches the person’s identity. 5.Each time you identify a person of courage, write his or her name in the blank next to the clue on your Unsung Heroes Clue Sheet. 6.Hand your Clue Sheet to the teacher when you are finished.

Exit Card: 1. What were the issues and forms of repression addressed by activists in South Africa? 2. How did social injustice activists from South Africa demonstrate their courage? Name various ways.