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South Africa.

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1 South Africa

2 A Brief History of S. Africa
Zulus controlled S.A. in the beginning. The Dutch settled S. A. (looking for a rest stop en route to Asia). Dutch settlers were known as the Boers (farmers) or the Afrikaners (White Africans). The British wanted S. African land. The Boers fought many battles with the British. British won: Boers fled British rule during the Great Trek.

3 History…Continued The Boers blamed the British for their problems, tensions led to the Boer War (started in 1899). The British won the Boer War and created the Union of S. Africa in 1910. Native Africans (Zulus) are forced from their homeland. They face poor jobs, racism. The British changed the political, social, and economic structure of the people they conquered.

4 South Africa: Struggle for Democracy
1950’s-1960’s - African countries were gaining their independence Negative impacts of colonial rule slowed their progress - made boundaries without considering ethnic/cultural groups - led to many conflicts after colonizers left - unbalanced economies due to cash crops - lacked a skilled/literate work force

5 Apartheid in S. Africa South Africa had been racially divided under Dutch & British control Small white minority ruled a large black majority 1948- National party (Afrikaners) instituted the Apartheid policy= complete separation of races. (segregated schools, hospitals & neighborhoods) African National Congress (ANC) formed to fight for their rights (strikes, boycotts & protests) 1962- ANC leader Nelson Mandela was imprisoned- 27 yrs. 1960’s/1970’s many protesters were killed fighting for their rights

6 A New Constitution S. Africa was under pressure to change- foreign nations made trade restrictions, banned from Olympic games. 1990’s- legalized ANC, repealed Apartheid laws. April st universal elections- all races could vote 1994- Mandela elected president (63%) 1996- democratic constitution- Bill of Rights modeled after the U.S.

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