Environmental fleet management at Mobistar Karel Boussu
2 Mobistar will offer you a work environment which stimulates inspiration and enables collaboration, efficiency and a healthy mindset. My Preferred Work Environment
3 Physical environment Virtual environment Facilitating activities: offering a suitable facility for every activity Organising activities: - Independent of place and time - Using the most efficient means of communication for every activity Mobilising information: -Dealing differently with information & IT -Enabling collaborative working Communication environment Mental environment Creation of Preferred Work Environment = an integrated, transversal project Communicating, informing, Answering, sharing, listening
4 We pay a lot of attention to The materials/techniques used The CO 2 footprint of our company The services we deliver to our team members The way we organize ourselves to work The mobility of our team members Corporate Social Responsibility as our activities are also effecting the external world: neighbors, family, social network, environment,… In the Preferred Work Environment...
5 Ecological aspects - cause less damage to our environment: less pollution, less fuel consumption, less traffic,... Mobility aspects: increase the flexibility and physical mobility of our team members Economic aspects: anticipate on increasing fuel, tax and car costs At Mobistar, we do not go TO work, but AT work Re-define fleet management into mobility management
6 Offer less polluting cars Greener cars, new engines Decrease the use of the car Alternative transport/working modes Decrease the fuel consumption Change behaviour, train the employees And if still pollution, compensate this Decrease the CO 2 footprint Environmental tactics for company cars ( 950 company cars )
7 Car lists based on total cost: this means take into account the fuel consumption and CO 2 taxation as of January 2009 Offer the most ecological cars, including hybrids, electric if available Continue the eco bonus/malus system to push for lease of ecological cars: corrected latest legislation Target is to have electric cars in the car list by 2011 Target is to have the average CO 2 level of the car list below 120 grams in 2012 Offer less polluting cars
8 Evolution CO 2 emission
9 Offer the possibility to choose car allowance instead of car: already in place Offer the possibility to combine car with public transport: already in place Offer the possibility to combine car with motorbikes: already in place Project with foldable bicycles Home and tele working Phone, video, net meeting Decrease the use of cars
10 Implement a change program to Decrease the consumption up to 10% Decrease the car damages Promote defensive driving, so less stress Startup of the eco-driving project Decrease the fuel consumption
11 If still pollution left, compensate by offering programs like CO 2 Logic: Collect your loyalty points Instead of spending them on presents, donate the money to a green project Compensate up to 20% of the CO 2 emission. Compensate the pollution
12 users today target 2012 public transport bike moto carpooling 2 12 hybrid cars foldable bike Other targets we have defined in ‘ het bedrijfsvervoerplan ‘
13 Keep the air clean....Y 2010 Action plan Air pollution Brussels Updated yearly, and presented to CPPT
14 Content of my role makes deciding easy, in this respect Responsible for Fleet Responsible for Facilities & Real Estate Reporting to HR Director Responsible for technical management Responsible for mobility
15 If warning level 1 Actions if Level 1 warning is given by Government - Decrease temperature in building with 1 degree, and inform Teammembers via Insight ( local intranet ) - Action by Facilities & Real Estate - Ask Team Members with a Teleworking contract not to come to Brussels: message on Insight - Internal message via Insight to all Team Members to: - Reduce the use of the car; - If using cars, to drive more slowly; - Use carpooling; - use the public transport: free tickets are at the U- point
16 If warning level 2 Actions in case of warning level 2 given by the government: - Decrease the temperature in the building to 20° - Action by Facilities & Real Estate - Message via Insight to all Team Members is given: - Ask all teleworkers to work from home ( 50% of personnel can do teleworking ) - Ask all other Team Members to look for carpooling - Ask all Team Members to come by motorbike - Ask all Team Members to come by bicycle - If none is possible, to ask the U point for a free ticket public transport
17 If warning level 2 If an urgent technical intervention needs to take place, inside Brussels region: - One can contact Fleet Logistics for a car with the right license plate/or a car with a eco-score >75 ( Smart, Toyota Prius, Honda Insight,...). - As from December 2010, electric cars should be available - If no cars available, call for a taxi, which are allowed to drive, via Reception Desks. An agreement is made via Taxi Vert for this exceptional situation. Expense is paid by Mobistar - Take a free ticket Public Transport at the U-point for metro, bus, tram, train…
Thanks a lot for your attention, And feel free to ask your questions, Raise your doubts....