Remember- shhh! Technology put away- begin! Welcome ASL 1! remember- shhh! Technology put away- quickly begin! Today-Written Doorbuster; Signing Set-State.


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Welcome ASL 3! Today- Please sit in a semi-circle again 
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Presentation transcript:

remember- shhh! Technology put away- begin! Welcome ASL 1! remember- shhh! Technology put away- quickly begin! Today-Written Doorbuster; Signing Set-State & City signs (test next Thursday); Ticket Out- “States quiz” activity get a red Master ASL! book for each 2-3 people.Written Doorbuster: First, get a red Master ASL! book for each 2-3 people. copy & answer each questionThen, please copy & answer each question below (answers-next slide) 1. True/False: Many of the US State signs are just abbreviations.1. True/False: Many of the US State signs are just abbreviations. 2. True/False: ASL is used in the USA and much of Canada. 3. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California).3. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California). 4. True/False: The ASL signs you learn in this class will be understood by ASL signers anywhere in this country. 5. True/False: Signs for new inventions, such as INTERNET, WEBPAGE, FACEBOOK, etc. appear and then become standardized over time.5. True/False: Signs for new inventions, such as INTERNET, WEBPAGE, FACEBOOK, etc. appear and then become standardized over time. Finished? Open your MASL! books to pages and study the state signs- do you know them all?Finished? Open your MASL! books to pages and study the state signs- do you know them all?

remember- shhh! Technology put away- begin! Welcome ASL 1! remember- shhh! Technology put away- quickly begin! Today-Written Doorbuster; Signing Set-State & City signs (test next Thursday); Ticket Out- “States quiz” activity get a red Master ASL! book for each 2-3 people.Written Doorbuster: First, get a red Master ASL! book for each 2-3 people. copy & answer each questionThen, please copy & answer each question below (answers-in yellow) 1. True/False: Many of the US State signs are just abbreviations.1. True/False: Many of the US State signs are just abbreviations. 2. True/False: ASL is used in the USA and much of Canada. 3. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California).3. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California). 4. True/False: The ASL signs you learn in this class will be understood by ASL signers anywhere in this country. 5. True/False: Signs for new inventions, such as INTERNET, WEBPAGE, FACEBOOK, etc. appear and then become standardized over time.5. True/False: Signs for new inventions, such as INTERNET, WEBPAGE, FACEBOOK, etc. appear and then become standardized over time. Finished? Open your MASL! books to pages and study the state signs- do you know them all? Study time- learn abbreviations in teams.Finished? Open your MASL! books to pages and study the state signs- do you know them all? Study time- learn abbreviations in teams.

remember- shhh! Technology put away- begin! Welcome ASL 2! remember- shhh! Technology put away- quickly begin! Today-Written Doorbuster; Signing Set-country signs learned (test next Thursday, if possible); Ticket Out- begin the “choose a country” activity book (gray with pinkand one vocabulary listWritten Doorbuster: First, get a Signing Naturally (SN Level 2) ASL 2 book (gray with pink) for each group of 2-3 people (and one vocabulary list)- you will need this after doing #1-6 below). Now, please copy & answer questions #1-5 below (answers-next slide)Now, please copy & answer questions #1-5 below (answers-next slide) 1. True/False: Some country signs in our textbooks are old and considered “racist” by most ASL signers. ASL is the signed language of all European countries.2. True/False: ASL is the signed language of all European countries. 3. True/False: ASL is used in the USA and much of Canada. There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California).4. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California). 5. True/False: The ASL signs you learn in this class will be understood by ASL signers anywhere in this country. Finished? Please turn to pages in SN-Level 2, and begin to learn country signs- do you know which ones are old signs? (we will see the video soon to find out)Finished? Please turn to pages in SN-Level 2, and begin to learn country signs- do you know which ones are old signs? (we will see the video soon to find out)

remember- shhh! Technology put away- begin! Welcome ASL 2! remember- shhh! Technology put away- quickly begin! Today-Written Doorbuster; Signing Set-country signs learned (test next Thursday, if possible); Ticket Out- begin the “choose a country” activity book (gray with pinkand one vocabulary listWritten Doorbuster: First, get a Signing Naturally (SN Level 2) ASL 2 book (gray with pink) for each group of 2-3 people (and one vocabulary list)- you will need this after doing #1-6 below). Now, please copy & answer questions #1-5 below (answers-in yellow)Now, please copy & answer questions #1-5 below (answers-in yellow) True1. True/False: Some country signs in our textbooks are old and considered “racist” by most ASL signers. FalseASL is the signed language of all European countries.2. True/False: ASL is the signed language of all European countries. True3. True/False: ASL is used in the USA and much of Canada. TrueThere are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California).4. True/False: There are regional differences in ASL (just as spoken English in Texas has some differences from spoken English in California). True5. True/False: The ASL signs you learn in this class will be understood by ASL signers anywhere in this country. Finished? Please turn to pages in SN-Level 2, and begin to learn country signs- do you know which ones are old signs? (we will see the video soon to find out)Finished? Please turn to pages in SN-Level 2, and begin to learn country signs- do you know which ones are old signs? (we will see the video soon to find out)

“Choose a Country” Activity (present Monday): select a countryEach team will select a country (no duplicates)–iPod Touches available Research and answer 3 questionsResearch and answer 3 questions about the country- ideas are below (other questions are fine, but require my approval): ▫what signed language is used by Deaf people in that country? ▫Approx. how many people use that language? ▫What kind of schools are available for Deaf in that country (if any)? ▫Does the government recognize the signed language? ▫What kind of oppression/discrimination have Deaf people experienced in that country? ▫Is there an invented system similar to Signed English in that country? Why or why not? Helpful website: ▫Other question? Helpful website: Your team will all come to the front, sign your country, and then teach us answers to your 3 questions (signed). Please fill out and follow the instruction sheet (handout)Your team will all come to the front, sign your country, and then teach us answers to your 3 questions (signed). Please fill out and follow the instruction sheet (handout)

ASL 3-Welcome! Shhh Today: 1. Doorbuster; 2.Timed Monologues; 3. Handshape Stories- video; 4. Team creations favorite movie, book, or sport,Doorbuster (5 min.): Ask someone to name a favorite movie, book, or sport, and to tell you at least 2 reasons why it is their favorite. Also, answer at least 1 person’s questions. ***Note: be sure I can see you actively signing and watching the others sign

Timed Monologue ideas--vacation; how classes are going; something you enjoy- describe it; a news topic; a movie you liked recently and why; etc… --- choose a topic for yourself! Remember: Today’s goal is at least 30 seconds of signing- no pauses more than 3 seconds When someone is signing, all other group members are watching. wait until your whole group is ready, then let me know to look Ready?Please wait until your whole group is ready, then let me know to look I need to see you each taking your turn for today’s daily grade credit. (be sure you have the Monologue Grid in your composition/notebook- see below, in purple) Ready? Monologue Grid Date TopicTime You Signed New Vocabulary you need to learn 1/3 (---if you did one yesterday) 1/4

Great! Now, since choosing a topic was the hardest part … Brainstorm 5 topics you would like to use for future timed monologues … I will then type them here for the class Seasons, and??? You can finish this Monday--- Also: self-assess--- was it easier than you thought? Harder to do? Could you do 1 min right now? 2 min.? Do you need the topic beforehand, or could you sign it without preparation?