WWII Study Guide Important People F. D. Roosevelt President of U.S. during WWII Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union (Russia) Winston Churchill Prime.


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Presentation transcript:

WWII Study Guide Important People F. D. Roosevelt President of U.S. during WWII Joseph Stalin Leader of the Soviet Union (Russia) Winston Churchill Prime Minister of England during WWII Emperor Hirohito Leader of Japan Harry Truman Becomes President after Roosevelt dies/ makes decision to drop atomic bombs Benito Mussolini Leader of Italy Adolf Hitler Leader of Nazi Germany

1.Describe Germany’s aggression in Europe? What was the cause? How did Germany deal with it? Reaction to Treaty of Versailles Appeasement 2. Describe Japan’s aggression is Asia? What did Japan not have that they wanted? How did they plan to get what they wanted? Japan invaded Manchuria (China) Need more resources 3. Before 1939 how did the allies (Britain and France) respond to Hitler’s attempts to break the conditions of the Treaty of Versailles? Why do you think they responded in that way? Used policy of Appeasement Wanted to avoid another World War

ProsCons 1 Didn’t have to attack Japan with U.S. troops Many Japanese civilians killed 2 U.S. wanted to show the Soviets we had atomic weapons Damage to land 3 Caused Japan to surrender quickly Long term effects of radiation 4. The use of atomic weapons to end World War II remains a controversial decision. Identify three “pros” and three “cons” for using this weapon to end the war.

5. Identify the Axis Powers. Germany, Japan, Italy 6. Identify four key countries that were part of the Allies at the end of the war. U.S., France, Great Britain, Russia Notes: The book says “David and Goliath and David slew the giant” Ribbon on baby says: “1942” Pile of rocks says: “Allies” 7. Analyze this political cartoon. What is its message? The allies were not doing well in 1942

# Date the event occurred EventHistorical Significance 6 US uses the atomic bomb Causes Japan to Surrender 5 Germany surrenders Allies win in Europe 7 Germany and Japanese leaders are placed on trial for War Crimes Nuremburg Trials 1 Germany invades Poland Start of WWII 2 Battle of Britain 1 st major battle in the air 4 Battle of the Bulge Last German offensive of war 3 Pearl Harbor is attacked Caused U.S. to enter the war 8. Complete the following chart.

Kamikaze Suicide bomber Japanese pilots - flew into U.S. naval ships Blitzkrieg “Lightning War” German military tactic that was very successful at start of WWII Total War Using ALL the resources of a country to help fight a war 9. Explain the significance and/or define the following terms.

Non-Aggression Pact Agreement between Hitler and Stalin to divide Poland Policy of Appeasement France and Britain allowed Germany to conquer Austria, Rhineland, and Czechoslovakia without opposition in order to avoid another war Nuremberg Trials German leaders were tried for crimes committed during the war

Concentration Camps Nazis sent Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and handicapped people to these camps for hard labor or death Totalitarian Government Gov’t in which a dictator is in charge and personal freedom is limited Manhattan Project Secret U.S. project to develop the Atomic Bomb

Japanese Internment Camps Japanese-Americans were forced to live here b/c they were suspected of being disloyal to U.S. Final SolutionNazi plan to kill all of the Jews of Europe Extermination Camps Nazi death camps

Treaty of Versailles Treaty that punished Germany for WWI and led to WWII Genocide Killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group Six Million Jews killed in the Holocaust Great Purge Stalin killed or sent to labor camps anyone who opposed his gov’t - Millions killed

Atomic Bomb First nuclear weapon Developed by U.S. Used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki to force Japanese surrender Isolationism Policy adopted by the U.S. before WWII Stay out of the affairs of other countries

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