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World War II Study Guide.

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1 World War II Study Guide

2 Explain the Treaty of Versailles
A document that ends WWI and punishes Germany. Germany must pay war reparations, demilitarize and give back land.

3 Define Reparations Money that Germany has to repay for war damages after WWI

4 Who were the totalitarian leaders of: Germany -Italy-Soviet Union
Adolf Hitler Benito Mussolini Joseph Stalin

5 Explain how a totalitarian leader rules over the people.
Leaders control the media and use fear and terror to control citizens use propaganda and slogans. Blame someone for the problems. Ex:Hitler blames Jews.

6 Define the league of nations
International peace keeping organization established after WWI The USA never joins this.

7 Appeasement When a nation or individual gives into aggression to avoid future conflict. Britain and France used a policy of appeasement to try to avoid war with Hitler.

8 Define the causes of WWII M.I.N.T.
Militarism Imperialism Nationalism Totalitarianism

9 How did WWII begin? When Germany invaded Poland on sept. 1 1939
France and Britain declared War on Germany.

10 Why did the U.S. Enter the war?
U.S. entered the war when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Dec. & 1941 (a day that will live in infamy) U.S. Declares War on Germany & Japan next day.


12 How did Facsists Come to Power in Italy.
The Great Depression and bad economy conditions made people want a strong leader.

13 Define the Nuremburg laws
Laws that discriminated against jews. Step by step they took the rights away from jews

14 Define the Holocaust A series of savage acts of killing jews, and other ethnic groups that violated human rights.


16 What is Genocide Mass killing of one ethnic group, religious group, or race.

17 Describe the Dropping of the Atomic Bomb
The U.S. ended the war by dropping atomic bombs of the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

18 What Were the Nuremburgh Trials
After the war Nazi German leaders were held responsible for war crimes, and crimes, humanity, and the Holocaust.

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