UK newspaper market Source: ABC January 2015
Daily newspapers Source: ABC January 2015
Sunday newspapers Source: ABC January 2015
Qualities Source: ABC January 2015
Mid-Market Source: ABC January 2015
Tabloid Source: ABC January 2015
December 2014 Newsbrand Daily av unique browsers Total Monthly unique browsers Total Monthly Change YoY UK Total Monthly unique browsers MailOnline 12,243,626199,414, ,072,052 272,4806,337, ,393,004 6,041,232106, 700, ,688,563 The Independent 2,097,21045,689, ,405,710 Mirror Group Digital 3,509,18865,508, ,467,442 The Sun n/a Times Online n/a Telegraph 3,454,61072,018, ,258,871 1,179,63426,879, ,381,643 ABC online figures Source: ABC Online December 2014