Introduction to Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening


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Presentation transcript:

Introduction to Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening FG

Another Great Set of Examination Results at GCSE The 5+ A* - C at GCSE pass rate of 91.5% The 5+ A* - C with English and Maths pass rate : 78% BEST IN NORTHUMBERLAND will again put us in the top ten of all state schools in the North East.

AS and A2 GCE Results AS RESULTS King Edward VI National (2011) A/B 40% 33.6% A-E 93% 86.3% A2 RESULTS King Edward VI National (2012) A*/A 28.8% 27% A-E 99.8% 98%

A2 Results and UCAS Progression Average points score per student = 856.4 Average points per entry = 225.7 174 of 202 students applied to University

GCSE English & Maths Resits University applications will require GCSE English and Maths Most employers will look for them Classes are after school. Maths and English – Alternative Tuesdays Entries for examinations are made by October 4th Maths resits can be taken November, March and June

Can I resit other GCSE subjects? It is only English and Maths that can be retaken at school.

Can be a stand-alone qualification AS Levels Can be a stand-alone qualification The half-way stage to a full (A2) A-Level Two or three units per subject Unit marks add together to give a final mark and grade Units can be re-taken Timing of examinations: January and May/ June

These are generated by GCSE results with an added challenge factor Target Grades These are generated by GCSE results with an added challenge factor The grade represents an anticipated achievement at the end of 2 years study For most students they are realistic

Most subjects comprise 2 units which are studied individually. Units Per Subject Most subjects comprise 2 units which are studied individually. It is the combined total from each unit which gives the final grade. Two further units per subject are studied at A2 level in Year 13. The total of all unit marks over two years determines the final A level grade. An A* is awarded to those students who achieved an overall A grade and who have achieved 90% or more of the maximum marks at A2

This should be done in consultation with teachers. Re-sitting Units This should be done in consultation with teachers. Avoid overburdening. Universities can be aware of units re-taken when applications are submitted. Some courses at some top universities will not want AS levels to be retaken in the second year of the course. [Re-sits have to be paid for by the student]

Timing of teaching and examinations AS – Taught from September ’12 – May, ’13; Exams in January, ’13 and May/June, ’13 A2 – Taught from June, ’13 – May ’14 Exams in January, ’14 and June ‘14 fg

Why 4 AS levels for most students? Because it leads to higher achievement potential; Because it enables development and choice ahead of A2; Because it provides a balanced curriculum and timetable; Because most students from other schools applying to University will have done four AS levels. Because students capable of doing 4 AS levels, should do them. Because there is a potential to add to university points score. JMG

Why 3 AS levels for some students? The step up to A-level is more difficult for some. [For progression these students must remember that they need to pass in all 3 subjects. A pass grade is A to E]

Grades = UCAS tariff points AS level A2 Grade A 60 120 Grade B 50 100 Grade C 40 80 Grade D 30 60 Grade E 20 40 Grade A* applicable to A2 levels only (where there is an added “challenge factor” =140 points)

University Applications Some universities have grade entry : B-B-C Some universities have points entry : 280 points (equivalent to BBC) Some universities may ask for points and a specific subject grade: 280 points with B in Maths Grades for A2 completion

AS results Pass grades: A to E Progression to Year 13 AS results Pass grades: A to E 3 A2 subjects, excluding General Studies Approximately 30 students may not progress from Year 12 to Year 13 This year 17 students did not progress - owing to the tracking and monitoring of progress. The 17 students were already identified as college applicants

The Importance of AS Levels Determine progression to Year 13 Influence final A-Level outcome Influence predicted grades Influence university applications Influence university offers [evidence shows that AS levels are the most reliable predictors of final A level achievement]

Year 12 can be more important than Year 13

Our Difficult Decisions To allow a student to drop from 4 to 3 AS levels To withdraw a student from examination entry. To advise an alternative progression route during or after Year 12 There will be consultation with students and parents, but some decisions will rest with the school.

Curriculum and Timetabling in Year 12 AS Level Over a 2 week period: a possible 50 X 1hour lessons Each subject has 9 lessons over 2 weeks = 36 hours of contact time (plus 2 hours for General Studies) for 4 subjects Therefore, there are 12 hours of non contact time over a fortnight. Over 200 hours in Year 12! For students on 3 subjects there is even more non contact time.

Free time v study time “For every hour of taught time there should be one hour of study” This would be the equivalent of a 38 hour week: should we be expecting more? Our high achieving students will do more hours of private study Homework and home study are vital “I’ve got no work to do” is unacceptable

Independent study at school Study facilities Background work and consolidation Independent motivation Personal Study Periods (PSP) Non-contact study Frog Morpeth Library

Additional Studies General Studies (2 hours per fortnight) CSLA (2 hours per fortnight) Changes to Timetable/Requests to change must be made before October, and depend on availability.

Assessment, recording and reporting Subject Interviews Grade Updates End of Year 12 report Parents’/subject evening + information evenings Key Dates October – Causes of concern November – Subject interviews and grade update and Parents’ evening January – Examinations January/February - Causes of concern March – Unit Grade results / Subject interviews / Grade update Year 12 Parents’ Evening May/June – Examinations June/July - Subject reports August – AS level results.

Study/homework/coursework Dress Punctuality Attendance Expectations Study/homework/coursework Dress Punctuality Attendance Registration and assembly Contact with home

[We have no car parking on site for students] There is no automatic home study leave for students in Year 12. Home study may be granted for students who have no lessons timetabled for an afternoon session. [We have no car parking on site for students]

In-class support and Year 9 liaison Charity and Community Opportunities Student Leadership Senior Roles In-class support and Year 9 liaison Charity and Community Student led initiatives Extra curricular Importance of these LSM + work experience

LSM from pen drive

External input and school support Advice Tutors Personal interviews External input and school support Higher education Career opportunities/work experience Personal education Progression to Year 13, HE and employment. FML

Fiona Long/Janet Schreier: Post 16 Mentors. Advice Fiona Long/Janet Schreier: Post 16 Mentors. Support Guidance Study Skills Time Management Skills Work Life Skills Information for the Future, UCAS, College, Apprenticeships, Work/University Experience

Enhancement to Careers Education and Advice Morrisby Profile Vocational assessment Analyses aptitudes, learning styles and personal working styles Students will be provided with 20 page guidance report which details abilities and interests and suggestions about possible career choices Helps to consider a range of career paths and choose HE courses

Enhancement to Careers Education and Advice Costs £55 Date - 29th October Time – 12pm -3.30pm Location – TBC A parent has offered this service and a letter can be collected at the end of the evening

16-19 Bursary Fund The following students are eligible: Those in care Care leavers Those in receipt of Employment Support Allowance who are also in receipt of Disability Living Allowance Weekly payment on the basis of 3 x 10 termly payments of £40 per week FG/FML?

16- 19 Bursary Fund All other payments are discretionary and will be made only when funding permits A discretionary £600 per year to students currently eligible for free school meals A discretionary one-off hardship payment of no more than £100 to meet costs of essential school equipment Subject to review

16-19 Bursary Fund Full bursary guidelines can be obtained from the Sixth Form Centre and from Frog The school reserves the right to approve or disapprove any discretionary claim

Planning for the Future The need for all students to be thinking “what next?”