Warm-Up 1/15/2014 Political Parties 1. What are the two major modern political parties? 2. What differences do you see between the two parties? 3. When.


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Presentation transcript:

Warm-Up 1/15/2014 Political Parties 1. What are the two major modern political parties? 2. What differences do you see between the two parties? 3. When Washington was elected there were NO political parties. Why do you think political parties developed?

Chapter 9.3 note taking strategies: Mental Mapping Mental Mapping is a style of note taking. In Mental Mapping, you put the main idea in the center of the page. Then you put all of the supporting details to the main idea around it. You group examples and common details together It is common to use color in mental maps to help distinguish different details.

Mental Mapping Example Fruit A fruit is actually the sweet, ripened ovary or ovaries of a seed-bearing plant. Grow on trees Apples Bananas Pears Kiwi Examples Definition Where to find them What else can you add to this map?

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunt his wealth Spoke informally Background Economic Policy Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Leadership

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunted wealth Spoke informally Background Farming, NOT manufacturing Economic Policy Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Leadership

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunted wealth Spoke informally Background Farming, NOT manufacturing Economic Policy Small Federal Government Protect individual Freedoms And States’ rights Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Leadership

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunted wealth Spoke informally Background Farming, NOT manufacturing Economic Policy Small Federal Government Protect individual Freedoms And States’ rights Powers of Federal Government Strict Interpretation Not specifically given power Opposed Bank of the U.S. Opposed protective tariffs Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Leadership

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunted wealth Spoke informally Background Farming, NOT manufacturing Economic Policy Small Federal Government Protect individual Freedoms And States’ rights Powers of Federal Government Strict Interpretation Not specifically given power Opposed Bank of the U.S. Opposed protective tariffs Interpretation of the Constitution France Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Leadership

Mental Mapping- Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson Born Virginia, Did not flaunted wealth Spoke informally Background Farming, NOT manufacturing Economic Policy Small Federal Government Protect individual Freedoms And States’ rights Powers of Federal Government Strict Interpretation Not specifically given power Opposed Bank of the U.S. Opposed protective tariffs Interpretation of the Constitution France Foreign Allies Democratic Republicans Common Man; small farmers, Artisans, Some wealthy planters Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Economic Policy Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Federalists Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Manufacturing, modeled on Britain Growth of cities Economic Policy Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Federalists Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Manufacturing, modeled on Britain Growth of cities Economic Policy Strong Federal Government Increase commerce; Stop mob violence Powers of Federal Government Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Federalists Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Manufacturing, modeled on Britain Growth of cities Economic Policy Strong Federal Government Increase commerce; Stop mob violence Powers of Federal Government Loose Interpretation “necessary and proper” Bank of the U.S. Protective tariffs to Protect American businesses Interpretation of the Constitution Foreign Allies Federalists Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Manufacturing, modeled on Britain Growth of cities Economic Policy Strong Federal Government Increase commerce; Stop mob violence Powers of Federal Government Loose Interpretation “necessary and proper” Bank of the U.S. Protective tariffs to Protect American businesses Interpretation of the Constitution Britain Foreign Allies Federalists Leadership

Mental Mapping- Alexander Hamilton Alexander Hamilton Born West Indies, Worked his way up from poverty Flaunted wealth Enjoyed political debate Background Manufacturing, modeled on Britain Growth of cities Economic Policy Strong Federal Government Increase commerce; Stop mob violence Powers of Federal Government Loose Interpretation “necessary and proper” Bank of the U.S. Protective tariffs to Protect American businesses Interpretation of the Constitution Britain Foreign Allies Federalists Wealthy and Educated; Merchants, manufacturers Leadership