“To understand world cultures, it is important to see the connections between people and their environment.”


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Presentation transcript:

“To understand world cultures, it is important to see the connections between people and their environment.”

 The study of where people, places, & things are located and how they relate to each other  5 basic themes to understand the link between PEOPLE and THE EARTH … 1. Movement 2. Region 3. Location 4. Interaction between People and Environment 5. Place

 Aka- Migration  Has positives and negatives!  As people move…  Ideas spread  Trade Exports v. Imports - Exports v. Imports  Creates Interdependence dependence of countries on goods, resources & knowledge from other parts of the world - dependence of countries on goods, resources & knowledge from other parts of the world “Brain Drain”  If too many people leave an area… can create a “Brain Drain”

 Area with its own unifying characteristics ( can be physical, cultural, political or economic )

 Position on earth’s surface or  Relative or  Absolute  Lines of latitude measure N & S of the Equator  Lines of longitude measure E & W of the Prime Meridian (Greenwich, England)

 People change the environment Progress (“Progress” but often Hidden Costs with “Hidden Costs”) adapt  Or people adapt

physical humancharacteristics  Described by physical & human characteristics…  Physical characteristics  Physical characteristics include landforms, climate, soil & animal life  Human characteristics-  Human characteristics- ex. Activities, transportation, religion & language

PittsburghPLACE How would you describe Pittsburgh as a PLACE?

5 themes of Geography Interaction Hilly, rivers, cool winters, warm summers Tech,ed,med center, steeler nation, yinzers Region positives negatives

Interaction People change the environment Adapt Progress vs hidden costs

 Several different types of maps  Each has “pros” and “cons”

 There are special purpose maps that show a variety of information POLITICAL MAPS


Vegetation Vegetation

Natural resources Natural resources

 Mountains-  Mountains- vary in elevation, 2000ft+  Hills-  Hills- raised land lower than mts.  Plains-  Plains- large areas of flat or gently rolling land  Plateaus-  Plateaus-large areas of high, flat or rolling land  Others… desert, straight, loess, cataract

 Climate  Climate- average weather a place has over yrs. latitudeelevation  Effected by latitude and elevation  Can have a major effect on people’s lives.  Ex….

 Many misunderstandings between people around the world because we don’t know enough about each other and our culture.  Some examples:  US Military Blunder…COSTLY! soldiers-burned-more-than-100-korans soldiers-burned-more-than-100-korans  Culture  Culture and a Super Bowl Ring??? accused accused Culture - all the things that make up a people’s entire way of life


 Forms of Government  People form governments to provide for their common needs  Types: Democracy Republic Dictatorship Revolutionary Totalitarian Oligarchy Theocracy Monarchy Anarchy Parliamentary Presidential

 Types of Religions:  Monotheism  Polytheism  Major world religions:  Judaism  Christianity  Islam  Hinduism  Buddhism

 Economic Systems  Four types: Traditional: people produce what they need to survive, they produce the same thing in the same ways as generations before Market: individuals decide what is produced, how it is produced, and who uses the product Command: government controls the economy… what and how thing are made and who uses them ___________________________________________________ Mixed: Individuals make some economic decisions, the government makes others

education  Through education people learn …  Language  Language – important for communication and passing on traditions and beliefs  Arts & Literature-  Arts & Literature- teach about a culture’s values and promote cultural unity and pride World Languages, CIA World Fact Book - World Languages, CIA World Fact Book - brary/publications/the -world- factbook/fields/2098.h tml

 Family is the most impt. unit of social org. unit of social org.  Nuclear family-  Nuclear family- husband, wife, children  Extended family-  Extended family- several generations in one household Respect for elders for elders is usually strong in extended families  Patrilineal-  Patrilineal- children belong to father’s side of family  Matrilineal-  Matrilineal- children belong to mother’s side of family  Bilateral  Bilateral- ? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________  Types of marriages Monogamy Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry  VIDEO-

 ________________________

 Social classes  Another unit of social organization  Ranks people in order of status  What can social class be based on? Money Money Occupation Occupation Education Education Race Race Etc. Etc.  Open Class Systems vs. Closed Class System

 Norm-  Norm- Norms refer to the expectations, or rules of behavior, that develop from our values. Ex.- eating 3xs/day, going to school, bathing daily, using a phone, using electricity 1. Folkways 1. Folkways- sometimes known as “conventions” or “customs,” are standards of behavior that are socially approved but not morally significant 2. Mores 2. Mores- norms of morality 3. Taboos- 3. Taboos- culture absolutely forbids them

1. Technology 1. Technology- Inventions 2. Environment Changes 3. New Ideas- 3. New Ideas- Social changes 4. Diffusion: 4. Diffusion: movement of customs and ideas from one place to another (and ADAPTATION )


 Ethnocentrism:  Ethnocentrism: judging other cultures by the standards of your own  Assuming your own culture to be the best  Stereotyping  Racism:  Racism: belief that one racial group is naturally superior to another  Race is a cultural thing. It does not actually, physically exist  Frame of Reference

 What is the message of this cartoon?

 First people lived more than 2 mil years ago in Eastern Africa  “Stone Age”  Chipped rocks to shape tools & weapons  Controlled fire  Developed language  Nomads

 Agricultural Revolution  About 10,000 yrs. Ago  2 Major ADVANCES: Farm Domesticate animals  Where: Tigris-Euphrates River in Modern-day Iraq Southeast Asia?  Results: Tied to the earth Permanent communities Could support more people

 All had:  Governments  Religions  Specialized skills and jobs  Social classes  Record keeping

 The Muslim World Expands  1300–1700 Ottomans Turkey Safavids Iran  A group of Turks called Ottomans set up a new empire in what is now modern Turkey. Farther to the east, the Safavids arose in modern Iran, where rulers embraced a special type of Islam that made them different from their neighbors. Meanwhile, India saw the rise of the Mughal Empire as Muslims created a powerful state there.

 African Kingdoms  Mali  Mansa Musa  Timbuktu

 China  Mongols- nomads from Central Asia  Set up roads between china and the middle east- Silk Route  Paper, gunpowder

 Europe  Much less developed at this time  …but this begins to change.  1300s-1650s Adopted foreign technologies Built on ancient learning Expands overseas Emergence of Europe

 1700s-1900s Industrial Revolution Second Agricultural Revolution Imperialism Westernization Cold War

 Scars of IMPERIALISM:  EconomicPoliticalinstability  Economic and Political instability

 Technological Revolution Since WWII and even more so since the 70s. So many changes in technology…REVOLUTION! Like industrial revolution- major effect on lives & societies.  Communication, Transportation & Space  What technological advancements have been made in this arena?  What have the effects of this been?  How is MOVEMENT involved here?

o Healthcare  What technological advancements have been made in this arena?  What have the effects of this been?  How is INTERACTION involved here?

Agriculture  What technological advancements have been made in this arena?  What have the effects of this been?  How is INTERACTION involved here?

GOOD  Is this GOOD? BAD  Or is this BAD?

PROBLEMS Development  There are PROBLEMS associated with Development :  Population Explosion  Urbanization  Cultural Change

problems of globalization  Which problems of globalization do each of these illustrate?

 “Silent Spring”- Rachel Carson   Pesticides killed insects, but has domino effect on entire ecosystem & harms humans ECOLOGY:  Gave rise to ECOLOGY: the science of the interactions among organisms and their environment  Dangers to environment have many sources:  Deforestation  Desertification  Chemical Wastes and disasters  Species loss-

 ______________________  _______________________

 Sustainable Development – "Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."