EOC Test Preparation: Expansion, Industrialization, and Reform


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Presentation transcript:

EOC Test Preparation: Expansion, Industrialization, and Reform

Westward Expansion Many people moved west in the hopes of gaining wealth (gold and silver), happiness, land, and prosperity Claiming land that belonged to Native Americans.

Westward Expansion Railroad Allowed farmers and ranchers to ship products Moved people to western cities Transcontinental railroad Union Pacific and Central Pacific joined tracks in Utah (1869) Linked east to west

Westward Expansion Native Americans Plains Indians and buffalo Reservations

Battles Between US Troops and Natives Sand Creek Massacre Native American resistance, 1861 Cheyenne were supposed to give up claims to land that had been promised by US gov. Cheyenne warriors launched raids on mining camps US forces killed 270 Native Americans (most were women and children)

Battles Between US Troops and Natives Battle of Little Bighorn Sioux Indians, Red Cloud, Crazy Horse 1876 George Custer attempted to surprise and defeat Sioux, who were resisting US troops Sioux warriors surrounded the outnumbered US troops, killed Custer and 200 men. Last great victory for Native Americans 1877: Sioux and Cheyenne surrendered, forcibly moved to Dakotas and OK

Battles Between US Troops and Natives Wounded Knee 1890 Sioux holy man developed a religious ritual called the ghost Dance Sioux believed the dance would bring back the buffalo, land, and banish the whites from their land US believed Sitting Bull was using the dance to start an uprising, US Army arrested and killed Sitting Bull and others. Soldiers pursued Sioux to Wounded Knee Creek, 150 Native Americans were dead.

Battles Between US Troops and Natives Dawes Act 1887 Abolished tribal organizations and divided up reservations for individual Native American families After 25 years, land would go to those who became US citizens Failed Why?

The Rise of Big Business Inventions and Natural Resources North began to heavily industrialize Thomas Edison Light bulb George Westinghouse 1886, Alternating Current (AC) Typewriter, vacuum, refrigeration cars for trains Elevators Machines for farming

The Rise of Big Business Mass Production Henry Ford and Model T. Natural resources App. Mountains: coal, iron ore South: lumber PA and Southwest: oil

Giants of Early US Industrialization Railroad Robber barons-corrupt ppl. In the industry, wealthy entrepreneurs Cornelius Vanderbilt 1869 NY Central railroad to Chicago (express)

Giants of Early US Industrialization Oil John D. Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust-business arrangement under which a number of companies unite into one system Monopolies Able to make his own prices and control the industry

Giants of Early US Industrialization Steel 1850s Sir Henry Bessemer Process where manufacturers could make steel much cheaper than before Andrew Carnegie Vertical integration-one corporation owns the company that produced finial product AND the companies that provide raw materials/inputs Owned steel mills, iron ore, coal mines, RRs, ships (for transporting supplies)

Giants of Early US Industrialization Finance Capitalism Bankers who exerted economic influence through companies’ stocks and bonds J. P. Morgan Controlled banks, insurance companies, stock market operations Worth $22 billion by 1913

Interlocking Directorates and Tariffs Interlocking directorates-allowed directors of one company to serve as directors for other companies also Control entire industries Protective tariffs-taxed foreign imports and made it easier for US goods to be sold at higher prices

Social Darwinism and Gilded Age Survival of the fittest applied to business strategies Gilded Age Many remained in poverty while only a few got wealthy 1877-1900s Prosperity was a sham, in reality: poverty and corruption

Cultural, Economic, and Political Impact Capitalism Market competition International markets Democracy Industrialization changed the US Increased production New inventions Consumer goods were more affordable Standard of living rose Middle Class emerges

Farmers and Populism 1870s and 1880s it was very costly Borrowed from banks to buy new machinery Overproduction-too many agricultural products Farm prices dropped drastically Less money for goods, costs were increasing Farmers blamed politicians and big business Wanted more regulation Interstate Commerce Act (1887) President Cleveland Regulated RR rates for public interest

Farmers and Populism Farmers wanted subsidies Gov. pay them money to cover losses Farmers also wanted more money to be put into nation’s economy Greenbacks-paper money Wanted more money in hands of consumers Why is this an issue???

Farmers and Populsim The Grange Cooperative where farmers came together Stood up against RRs and other industries Worked together to get new machinery and supplies Sell produce without paying distributors Education

Farmers and Populism Populism The people’s party Embraced what farmers wanted Greenbacks Gov. regulation of business Omaha Platform Political party that catered to the common man Broke down racial divisions between white and black farmers

Election of 1896 Economic depression existed Cleveland blamed for economic situation To fix this: switched country from silver standard to gold standard (dollar could only be backed by gold) Bimetalism-Those that felt the dollar should be backed by silver too Populist party joined this side

Election of 1896 William Jennings Bryan elected by Democrats Backed bimetallism, won support of Populists “Cross of Gold” speech Republican William McKinley won

Urbanization Migration to the Cities Immigration More people moving to northern and western cities Immigration Mostly from Europe on the East Coast Mostly from China (want to join the RR industry) on West Coast Ellis Island Angel Island

Urbanization Issues Caused by Immigration Took away jobs from natives Foreign culture Ethnic ghettos Nativists Racism

Urbanization Laws Against Immigration Living and Working Conditions Chinese Exclusion Act Gentlemen’s Agreement Living and Working Conditions Low wages Everyone worked Child labor common Labor unions and racism

Urbanization Living and Working Conditions (Cont.) Long work hours Dangerous conditions Weatshops Poor lit, ventilated Urban slums Tenements

Urbanization New Lifestyle and Entertainment Trolleys Saloons Housing? Saloons Dance halls, cabarets Amusement parks Vaudeville shows Sports Parks

Urbanization Political Machines Unofficial entity meant to keep a certain party/group in power Party/political boss Favors or aid in exchange for votes New York City’s Boss William Tweed and Tammany Hall

Rise of Labor Unions Knights of Labor American Federation of Labor 1869: men and women Equal pay for equal work, end child labor Didn’t last long: 1890s American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Wages, working hours, conditions Strikes and boycotts Band together to meet demands, more power Closed shop-workplaces could hire only union members

Rise of Labor Unions Eugene V. Debs Organized the American Railway Union Pullman Strike leader American Socialist Party Ran for president multiple times

The Rise of Labor Unions Employer Response Blacklists Forbade workers from joining Lockouts Scabs-replacement workers during strikes Gov. supported business owners when it came to strikes Injunctions-court orders that forbade strikes

The Rise of Labor Unions Strikes and Confrontations Great Strike 1877: upset by wage cuts, RR workers acted violently in Midwest and eastern US President Hayes sent in federal troops to put down protest Showed gov. would help employers

The Rise of Labor Unions Strikes and Confrontations Haymarket Riot (May 1886) Workers protested for 8 hr. workday Radicals exploded a bomb that killed/wounded police officers Riot broke out with gunfire on both sides Turned many people against unions

The Rise of Labor Unions Strikes and Confrontations Homestead Strike Steel workers 1892 Carnegie Steel plant in PA Pinkertons were a private police force that put down the strike Shootout left several people dead/wounded Union called off strike due to public perception

The Rise of Labor Unions Strikes and Confrontations Pullman Strike 1894 RR industry Protest laying off workers, Pullman responded by firing 3 of the labor representatives, so union went on strike National boycott of Pullman cars Federal government responded with a court injunction against union Troops were sent in to enforce injunction

Social Reform Progressive Movement Muckrackers Political, social, economic changes in US Muckrackers Ida Tarbell Standard Oil trust Upton Sinclair

Social Reform Jane Addams Temperance Hull House Settlement houses Help for immigrants and underprivileged Temperance Movement wanted to limit and end sale/consumption of alcohol Prohibition

Social Reform Women’s Suffrage Seneca Falls Convention (1848) 1870s: Susan B. Anthony was the major leader of the movement Elizabeth Cady Stanton National American Woman Suffrage Association Carrie Chapman Catt and Alice Paul 19th Amendment

Social Reform Theodore Roosevelt Not opposed to big business but believed some regulation necessary Northern Securities v. US Trust needed to be broken up Created health and medicine reforms due to The Jungle. Environmentalist

Social Reform Woodrow Wilson Federal Reserve Act Oversees banking in the US Opposed both big business and big government Clayton Antitrust Act (1914)-strikes, picketing, boycotts legal 16th Amendment-Congress has power to collect taxes on income 17th Amendment-Senators elected directly by people