Parts of a Computer.


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Presentation transcript:

Parts of a Computer

Keyboard  A keyboard has a similar layout to a typewriter but with extra keys. The person using the computer uses the keyboard to input characters.

Monitor   A monitor displays the information that is being entered into the computer. It is also known as a screen or VDU (Visual Display Unit).

Mouse A mouse enables the user to move the cursor around the screen and select items on it. Selecting items gives the computer instructions.

Central Processing Unit The Central Processing Unit (CPU) is the brain of the computer. It manages all the information which has been input and controls the information which is output.

Printer A printer is used to print images and text from the computer. There are many types of printers available.

Scanner A scanner is used to copy images and text from existing paper based sources. Once an image has been scanned, software on the computer can be used to manipulate the images.

Floppy Disk A floppy disk is a removable form of storage. Files can be saved onto floppy disks and taken away from the computer.

CD/DVD CDs and DVDs are used to store information. This can be in the form of software packages or large amounts of data. The contents of the CD/DVD can be transferred to the hard drive.