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Computer Hardware 4 Main Types.

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Presentation on theme: "Computer Hardware 4 Main Types."— Presentation transcript:

1 Computer Hardware 4 Main Types

2 Used to enter information into a computer
Input Devices Used to enter information into a computer

3 Processes data into information
Processor Processes data into information

4 Displays or prints information produced by a computer
Output Devices Displays or prints information produced by a computer

5 Saves data so it can be used again
Storage Saves data so it can be used again

6 ??What is it??

7 A monitor is an example of an ____________ device.
A keyboard is an example of an __________ device. A monitor is an example of an ____________ device.

8 A disk drive is an example of a ____________ device.
A laser printer is an example of an _________ device.

9 Speakers are an example of _______ devices.
A mouse is an example of an __________ device.

10 A flatbed scanner is an example of an __________ device.
A zip drive is an example of a computer ____________ device. A flatbed scanner is an example of an __________ device.


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