INSPIRE registry Roles & procedures


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Presentation transcript:

INSPIRE registry Roles & procedures M. Lutz, D. Francioli, L. Hernandez Quiros, E. Epure MIG-T meeting, Ispra 25 October 2016

Roles in the INSPIRE registry? “Discussion paper on roles and procedures for the management of the INSPIRE registry”

The roles ISO 19135-1 Register owner Register manager Submitting organisations Control body Registry manager Register user

Proposed assignment of roles Proposal Motivation Register owner European Union The central INSPIRE registry contains item from the legal acts (which are EU legal acts) and corresponding technical guidelines. Register manager European Commission, Joint Research Centre The INSPIRE registry is hosted by the European Commission and the content of the registers contained in the registry are maintained by the Joint Research Centre.

Proposed assignment of roles Proposal Motivation Submitting organizations One per country, plus the JRC, EEA and DG ENV One organisation, existing representative (e.g. the NCP, MIG-T or MIG-P representative) or a dedicated registry contact point should be responsible for the submission of change requests. This will ensure that the proposed changes from national stakeholders are internally coordinated and agreed before they are officially submitted. The JRC and EEA can play a similar role for consolidating requests from thematic communities (including the Thematic Clusters platform) and other non- national stakeholders (e.g. European umbrella organisations and other DGs). DG ENV can consolidate and submit change proposals from other thematic units in DG ENV.

Proposed assignment of roles Proposal Motivation Control body Nominated register experts The control body should be a small (and thus, effective) permanent MIG sub-group nominated by the MIG to take decisions of the change proposals on its behalf. The control body should include MS & EEA register experts as well as experts from the DG ENV (to ensure consistency with the legal framework), and JRC (to ensure the link to the register manager). Registry manager European Commission, Joint Research Centre The INSPIRE registry is hosted by the European Commission and the service and underlying software is maintained by the Joint Research Centre. Register user anyone The content of the registry is public.

The proposal types Change proposals related to registers Adding a new register Editing an existing register Change proposals related to register items Addition Clarification Supersession Invalidation Retirement

Tools for the management process Assign roles/manage roles/groups Register submission proposals Manage the proposal workflow (status changes, comments)

Discussion questions Proposed assignment for the INSPIRE registry Should the TC facilitators or the MIG sub-group 2016.4 (ex MIWP-14) be a submitting organization as well? If someone leaves an organization, which is the procedure for him/her to handover to someone else? Should the nominated organisations / people also be responsible for the INSPIRE register federation / RoR? Is there a need for terms of reference for all roles (or only the control body – see Annex B)?

Discussion questions Change proposals Should the items in the “proposed” status (not yet accepted) be visible in the public interface? Should the last date of change and motivation of change be added to the INSPIRE register items? Process of submitting Which tools should be used for submitting proposals? Within which time period shall the approval process be completed? How often shall the control body meet?

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