O Canada!
CANADA Canada is America’s northern neighbor. It is a large country. The French and British explored it in the fifteenth century. France gave up its claims in Canada after the Seven Years War. Canada was divided into provinces. At that time they numbered four.
On July 1 ,1867, the Constitution Act was passed, but it wasn’t until 1982 that Canadians got full control at last. The area of Canada makes it the second largest country in the world. North of the world’s longest common border, the Canadian flag is unfurled.
Canada now has ten provinces. Its’ territories number three. The provinces are group in regions according to geography. British Columbia is a Western Province. Alberta, Saskatchewan, and manitoba make up the provinces where the Prairie region's drawn.
Central Candad is made up of the provinces Quebec and Ontario, where the climate ranges from temperate to abundant snow. New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia, too, are three Maritime Provinces bordering the Atlantic so blue.
New Foundland and Labrador are two parts made into one. They join the Maritime Provinces, but we are still not done. All of Northern Canada is made up of three large territories. Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut all experience the Arctic’s freeze.
Canada is a federal state in which the provinces are united. The Fathers of their Confederation were also quite farsighted. Canadians elect their own Prime minister instead of a president. He or she makes the big decisions in regard to government.
Canada’s constitutional monarchy is led by Great Britain’s queen or king. As they raise the Canadian flag, “God Save the Queen, they sing. Ottawa is the capital of Canada, and it’s in Ontario. For the largest city in all of Canada, Toronto is the place to go.
Canada and the united States have shared many new frontiers and Canada and the U.S.A. have been friends throughout the years. On July 1 of every year, Canada celebrates its national day. That’s the day Canada became untied, and it’s Canada’s birthday.
1. What country is this selection about. a. The United States b 1. What country is this selection about? a. The United States b. Canada c. Greenland d. Antarctica
2. France gave up its claims to Canada after which war. a 2. France gave up its claims to Canada after which war? a. The Civil War b. World War II c. The Revolutionary War d. The Seven Years War
3. What is remarkable about Canada’s size?
4. Which areas that are split in two make up one province?
5. What official leads the Canadian government much like the American president?
6. On what day does Canada celebrate its national day. a. July 4 b 6. On what day does Canada celebrate its national day? a. July 4 b. July 1 c. June 1 d. July 31
bilingual Using or able to use two languages, especially with equal or nearly equal fluency.
constitution The system of fundamental laws and principles that prescribes the nature, function, and limits of a government or another institution.
cordillera An extensive chain of mountains ranges, especially the principal mountain system of a continent.
Edmonton The capital and the largest city of Alberta, Canada, in the central part of the province north of Calgary.
An organization formed by merging several groups or parties. federation An organization formed by merging several groups or parties.
Inuit A member of a group of Eskimo people inhabiting the Arctic from northern Alaska eastward to eastern Greenland, particularly those of Canada.
Ottawa The capital of Canada, in southeast Ontario at the confluence of the Ottawa River and the Rideau Canal.
Prime minister The head of the cabinet and often also the chief executive of a parliamentary democracy.
Prairie An extensive area of flat or rolling, predominantly treeless grassland, especially the large tract or plain of central North America.
provinces A territory governed as an administrative or political unit of a country or empire.
Quebec The capital of Quebec, Canada, the French-s;eaking capital of the province of Quebec.
territories A subdivision of Canada that is not a state and is administered by an appointed or elected governor and elected legislature.
Toronto The capital and largest city of Ontario, Canada, in the southern part of the province on Lake Ontario.
unification To make into or become a unit; consolidate.
Victoria The capital of British Columbia, Canada, on southeast Vancouver Island at the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca.