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CANADA. Yukon Territory British Columbia SASKATCHEWAN.

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3 Yukon Territory

4 British Columbia


6 Manitoba

7 Alberta


9 Manitoba

10 Ontario

11 CN Tower the tallest free standing structure in the world from 1975 to 2007

12 New Brunswick

13 Nova Scotia

14 Prince Edward Island

15 Newfoundland Canada


17 Northwest Territories

18 Labrador Sea

19 Northern Hudson Bay

20 British Columbia Vancouver

21 Manitoba Winnipeg Skyline


23 Area and Population Canada is the second largest country in area, however its population is less then the state of California. total: 9,984,670 sq. km 34,300,083 people (Rank 35 th )


25 Most Canadians live within 100 miles of the USA border.

26 Political Boundaries Canada is divided into Provinces and territories. The governments of the provinces are more powerful than the US state governments This makes the National (or Central Government ) weaker.


28 Language Canada is a Bilingual nation. It has 2 official languages, French and English. – Nearly one-forth of Canada’s population is French speaking. – These people are referred to as French Canadians. – Most French Canadians live in Quebec Province. English (official) 58.8% French (official) 21.6% other 19.6%

29 Government Canada is governed by a Parliamentary Democracy. In this type of government the people elect members to different houses and these representatives then elect a Prime Minister. Prime Minister-head of government

30 Quebec City

31 History Quebec City- Established by French settlers. (1608) This city, with all French claims, was lost to Britain in 1763. – At that time there were nearly 70,000 Frenchmen living in that area. This is why much of the French culture and language has survived over the years. Château Frontenac from the waterfront along the St. Lawrence river.



34 Issues Many of the French Canadians wish for Quebec Province to secede from Canada, thus forming their own country. Cultural disputes are a constant problem between French and English-speaking Canadians.

35 natural resources Canada’s relative location to the US and its abundant natural resources, (many of the same ones found in the US), have made it a wealthy country.

36 Geothermal energy

37 How it works

38 People Like the US, Canada also has a diverse population. People from many different countries and cultures now make Canada home. It too is a “nation of immigrants”.

39 Similarities The United States and Canada are similar in many ways: 1.Both countries were once a part of the British Empire. 2.In both countries English is the major language. 3.Both countries have largely Christian populations. 4.Both countries share a common culture and lifestyle. 5.Both countries have democratic governments. 6.Both countries have healthy economies and are considered wealthy by world standards.

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