Marketing Data: 50+ Charts & Graphs


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Marketing Data: 50+ Charts & Graphs

Marketing Data: 50+ Charts and Graphs of Original Marketing Research By HubSpot

About This Marketing Data HubSpot complied this data from a variety of sources, including analysis of our 2,500 business customers, surveys with hundreds of businesses responding, analysis of the data in our free tools like Website Grader, Twitter Grader and Facebook Grader. Each page has a URL to the original source document or article. Subscribe to our blog for new marketing data as it is available:

Inbound Marketing is More Effective Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Inbound Marketing is More Effective Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Outbound Marketing is Less Effective Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Inbound Marketing Is More Important Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Outbound Spending Decreasing Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Inbound Marketing Budgets Increasing Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Success Drives Investment in Inbound Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Small Companies Do More Inbound Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Telemarketing, Paid Search Decrease Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Changes in Social Media Landscape Answer to “How important are these services to your business? Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Social Media is for Leads and Sales Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Social Media is for B2B and B2C Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Blogging More Often Drives Results Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Most Business Blogs Post Weekly Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Best Marketing Projects from 2009 Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Worst Marketing Projects from 2009 Source: State of Inbound Marketing Report -

Blogging Brings Social Media Success Source: Data from over 2,000 businesses -

Small Biz Gets More Leverage Source: Data from over 2,000 businesses -

On Twitter, B2B Gets More From Blog Source: Data from over 2,000 businesses -

Create Great Content by Blogging Source: Data from over 1,500 small businesses -

Blogging Attracts More Links Source: Data from over 1,500 small businesses -

Blogging Attracts More Visitors Source: Data from over 1,500 small businesses -

Twitter Drives More Leads for B2C Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Twitter Drives More Leads for B2C Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Leads by Indexed Web Pages Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Company Size by Indexed Web Pages Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Leads by Keywords with SEO Ranking Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Blogging and B2C and B2B Leads Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

# Blog Articles By Leads Generated Source: State of Inbound Marketing Lead Generation Report -

Twitter Growth Has Slowed Down Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Growth in Number of People Following Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Growth in Average Followers Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Growth in Average Twitter Updates Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Top Locations of Twitter Users Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Distribution of Twitter Follower Count Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Distribution of Twitter Following Count Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Distribution of Tweets by Day Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Distribution of Tweets by Hour Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Distribution of Tweet Length Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Twitter Users with Bio in Profile Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Twitter Users with Location in Profile Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Twitter Users with URL / Link in Profile Source: State of the Twittersphere Report -

Profile Pics Attract Twitter Followers Source: Data from Twitter Grader -

Fan Distribution for Facebook Pages Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Categories for Small Facebook Pages Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Sub-Categories for Small Facebook Pages Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Facebook Fan Pages by Country Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Facebook Fan Pages by Country Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Facebook Fan Pages with URLs Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

Average Facebook Fans by Country Source: State of the Facebook for Business Report -

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