Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Theory FREUD. 2 3 Psychoanalysis Theory of Personality Method of Therapy Technique of Investigation Freud developed his.


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Presentation transcript:

Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Theory FREUD


3 Psychoanalysis Theory of Personality Method of Therapy Technique of Investigation Freud developed his theories based on intensive clinical studies of individual cases – women with hysterical symptoms

4 Brief History – Practices medicine in neurology and nervous diseases Basic research in “nerve” cells in simple animals  neurons- building blocks brain Becomes interested in Breuer’s “talking cure” Anna O Anna O - First client to receive psychological treatment ( )

Anna O – Hysterical Symptoms Severe cough Paralysis on the right side of her body Disturbances of vision and speech Refusal to eat or drink Hallucinations; Trances Loss of consciousness 5

Breurer’s Findings Under hypnosis Anna connects symptoms to earlier traumas (that are repressed) Refusal to drink – disgust seeing a dog drinking out of a glass Hallucination while taking care of his sick-dying father Re-lives the early emotional experience  hysterical symptoms disappear – catharsis 6

7 Hypnosis vs. Free Association Therapy Goal: that patient remembers & re- lives “forgotten” traumatic experiences while awake --- free association Assumption: All behavior is purposeful, Therefore, Free associations, interpreted by the analyst, will lead to “forgotten” material  Unconscious

8 Concept of Humans Basic source of energy – Instincts States of excitation in the body that seek expression and tension reduction Biologically rooted Source of all energy - libido Behavior is purposeful— determined by instinctual forces goal is to seek pleasure and avoid pain But…..

9 Society’s demands for restraint vs. instinct gratification Direct Gratification – Possible sometimes Sublimation – positive and culturally valued activities Neurosis – maladaptive but more acceptable ways to the person or to society

10 Instinctual energy exists in a state of tension created by opposing forces EROS Life Instinct Preservation of self and species (Libido) THANATOS Death instinct Source of aggression and drive to die

11 Levels of Awareness: Unconscious, Pre-conscious, Conscious Unconscious -- Primitive A-logical Disregards time and space Symbolic language Many ideas may be condensed in one Part = Whole One whole = several objects

12 Clinical evidence for postulating the unconscious Dreams Slips of the tongue – Freudian slip Posthypnotic suggestions Material derived from free-association Material derived from projective techniques Symbolic content of psychotic symptom consciousness is only a thin slice of the total mind

13 Implications of the Unconscious for Therapy Significant part of our behavior is controlled by forces out of our awareness Clients’ presenting concerns may not be the real problem to solve, but “symptoms” of the real problem Symptoms are ways to cope with internal conflicts and unresolved issues that we may not be totally aware of

14 Structure of Personality Three psychic structures or mental functions that are grouped according to the role they play in the dynamic conflict ID EGO SUPER EGO

THE STRUCTURE OF THE PSYCHE 15 New Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis Freud, 1933 Pcpt.-cs.: Perceptual consciousness

16 ID Unconscious Biological Component Base of instinctual life Source of drive energy – Libido Guided by pleasure principle, seeks gratification of instinct in action or fantasy A-social – no regard for social norms Life and death drives co-exist in dynamic tension

17 SUPER EGO Learned Aspect of Self, Ego ideal Both conscious and unconscious Moral aspect, guided by ideals Lacks reality testing Actions = Thoughts Black –White judgments – no ability to compromise – Source of irrational guilt

18 EGO Conscious Aspect of Self –Reality Principle Acts in the external world – behaviors Site of perceptual cognitive skills Mediates between Id and Super-Ego Able to separate wish from fantasy Tolerates tension and is able to compromise Changes with time


20 The Development of Personality ORAL STAGE First year Mistrust and rejection issues ANAL STAGE Ages 1-3 Anger, power, autonomy issues PHALLIC STAGE Ages 3-6 Related to later sexual attitudes and intimacy Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (1)

21 The Development of Personality LATENCY STAGE Ages 6-12 A time of socialization GENITAL STAGE Ages Sexual energies are invested in life Conflicts related to previous stages are re- awakened

22 Erikson’s Stages of Development Trust vs. MistrustFirst Year Oral Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt1-3 Initiative vs. Guilt3-6 Industry vs. Inferiority6-12 Identity vs. Role Confusion12-18 Intimacy vs. Isolation18-35 Generatively vs. Stagnation35-60 Integrity vs. Despair60+

Process of Psychic Life Conflict is experienced for two main reasons: Internal forces in dynamic opposition Relationship with figures of authority and/or rigid super ego engender perceptions of danger which lead to repression of impulses and frustration Conflict leads to Anxiety 23

24 Anxiety Painful emotional experience Alerts Ego of danger Classical Psychoanalyses: Emerges from the emotional repetition of the trauma

Anxiety The conflict may be between ID-Ego Ego fears being overwhelmed by Id ID-Super Ego Guilt, self-condemnation Ego-Ego Aware vs. repressed Ego Desire/want versus fear, sense of threat 25

26 Ego-Defense Mechanisms Normal behaviors -- operate on an unconscious level to deny /distort reality Help the individual cope with anxiety and prevent the Ego from being overwhelmed Have adaptive value if they do not become a style of life to avoid facing reality Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (4)

27 Defense Mechanisms 1. Repression 2. Denial 3. Reaction formation 4. Projection 5. Displacement 6. Rationalization 7. Regression 8. Intellectualization 9. Sublimation 10. Introjection 11. Identification 12. Compensation

28 Theory of Psychopathology (1/2) When conflicts occur in early life, a fixation or “freezing” of development occurs Person will have difficulty with the tasks of the stage in which conflict occurred Conflicts at one stage influence the development of subsequent stages

29 Theory of Psychopathology (2/2) The experience of the conflict (then and now) generates ANXIETY MECHANISMS OF DEFENSE help the Ego deal with the anxiety Overuse of the defenses results in SYMPTOMS disguised expression of repressed emotions and impulses

30 Stage of Development and Trauma 4/5 years +Neurosis 2/3 yearsObsessive/compulsive First yearPsychosis, Narcissistic, Borderline Ego can handle the anxiety using the defenses, or Ego is overwhelmed and person regresses to primitive, primary processes of thinking

31 Therapeutic Objectives Bring the unconscious conflict to awareness -- Resistance Corrective emotional experience Clients re-live past painful experiences under more favorable conditions to get a better solution to the conflict The process involves Catharsis – clients release of blocked emotions Insight- client's awareness and understanding of emotional reactions and use of defenses

32 Resistance Client behaviors that work against therapy progress prevents the production of unconscious material avoid dealing with painful emotions Canceling appointments, terminating therapy prematurely, having nothing to say Defense mechanisms: Denial, intellectualization, projection, rationalization not connecting with feelings, blaming others, justify behaviors Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy - Chapter 4 (7)

33 Psychoanalytic Techniques Elicit Transference Relationship The client reacts to the therapist as he did to significant others To re-experience repressed memories and feelings ANALYSIS OF TRANSFERENCE — allows the client to achieve insight into the influence of the past on the present Interpretation to lead to Insight Therapist points out, explains, and teaches the meanings of what is revealed- connect unconscious to conscious- which leads to client’s insight

Psychoanalytic Techniques Free Association Client reports without censoring feelings & thoughts (to by-pass resistance) Dream Analysis “Royal road to the unconscious” to bring unconscious material to light Confrontation & Analysis of Resistance Helps client see secondary gain of behavior 34

35 Counter-Transference Therapists’ reactions toward the client May be based on therapist’s unconscious issues May interfere with therapist’s objectivity Are inevitable Therapist must monitor and manage counter- transference reactions

Therapist: Blank screen, avoids ‘real relationship” to facilitate transference, increase objectivity in analysis 36

37 Limitations Freud’s Theory Reductionism and theory of instincts Concepts are difficult to observe and measure empirically Limited use in predicting behavior: goes from the adult back to the child Socio-cultural limits Based on women from higher SES Victorian issues of sex and morality Outdated gender role perspectives

38 Contributions Moved the study of “nervous diseases” to the realm of the psychological Discovery of the Unconscious Comprehensive complex theory Has generated much study and continues to evolve Basic tenets have been incorporated in modern theories

Amygdala – receives perceptual stimulus directly; storages emotional memories Prefrontal cortex- declarative memory- conscious recollections of past events, things, persons 39

Pathways of Emotions: Fear The amygdala lets us react almost instantaneously to the presence of a danger. Often we startle first, and then realize what frightened us. 40

Markers Ego Resiliency vs. Brittleness Confidence Optimism Has social poise and presence Responds to humor Calm, relaxed in manner Feels a lack of personal meaning Basically anxious Vulnerable, fearful Tends to ruminate Feels cheated, victimized by life Maladaptive under stress Is self-defeating Productive and Autonomous Activity Is productive; gets things done Values own independence Gives up; withdraws from adversity 41

Markers Ego Resiliency vs. Brittleness Interpersonal Warmth and Insight Has warmth; is compassionate Insight into own motives and behaviors Arouses liking and acceptance Perceptive of interpersonal cues Sees to heart of problems Dependable and responsible Denies unpleasant experiences Over-reactive to frustrations Skilled Expressiveness Skilled in social techniques Initiates humor Is emotionally bland Does not vary roles Uncomfortable with uncertainty 42