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Prepared by Dr. Hoda Abdel Azim. Objectives: List the three basic component of personality according to psychosexual theory. Discuss the five stages of.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by Dr. Hoda Abdel Azim. Objectives: List the three basic component of personality according to psychosexual theory. Discuss the five stages of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by Dr. Hoda Abdel Azim

2 Objectives: List the three basic component of personality according to psychosexual theory. Discuss the five stages of psychosexual theory. Discuss the developmental phases of psychosocial theory. Discuss the five stages of Piaget theory.

3 1. Psychosexual development ( Freud) All human behavior is energized by psychodynamic forces and this psychic energy is divided among three components of personality. Id, ego, superego

4 Id the unconscious mind. Ego the conscious mind (controlling self and blocking the irrational thinking of the id. ). Superego conscience.

5 Psychosexual development Psychosexual mean (Sensual pleasure) Stages : Oral stage (birth to 1 years). The major source of pleasure is centered on oral activities as ( sucking, biting, chewing) Anal stage (1 to 3 years). Able to withhold or expel fecal material at will.

6 Phallic stage (3 to 6 years) Genitals become an interesting and sensitive area. Recognize differences between the sexes and become curious. Latency period (6 to12 years) Physical and psychic energy are channeled into acquisition of knowledge and vigorous play. Genital stage (12 to older) The genital organs become the major source of sexual tensions and pleasures. Forming relationship and preparation for marriage.

7 2. Psychosocial development (Erikson) Emphasizes a healthy personality as opposed to a pathological approach. Each psychosocial stage has two components the favorable and the unfavorable aspects. Stages: Trust vs mistrust (birth to 1 year). Consistent, loving care by a mothering person is essential to development of basic trust. Basic trust leads to trust (world, others, and oneself

8 Autonomy vs shame and doubt (1 to 3 y) Sense of autonomy increase with increasing ability to control their bodies, themselves as (walking, climbing, mental power of selection). Shame arise when children feel small Their choices are disastrous. Others shame them.

9 Initiatives vs guilt (3 to 6 years) Vigorous behavior, strong imagination. Develop a conscience. Sometimes undertaken activities that are in conflict with those of parents or others and being made to feel bad and produce a sense of (guilt). Industry vs inferiority ( 6 to 12 years). Want to engage in tasks and activities. Learn to cooperate with others. Need to engage in a real tasks benefit to him and his society.

10 Identity vs Role confusion (12 to 18 y) Children become preoccupied with the way they appear in the eyes of others. They seek assurance by their peers. Develop their relationship with significant adults. Take decisions regarding occupation and marriage.

11 3. Cognitive development (piaget) Cognitive development consists of age related changes that occur in mental activities. 1. Sensor motor (birth to 2 years) Children progress from reflex activity through simple repetitive behaviors to imitative behavior. They develop the sense of “cause and effect” as they direct behavior toward objects.

12 Problem solving is primarily trial and error. Begin to develop a sense of self as they are able to differentiate themselves from their environment. Child begin to use language and representational thoughts.

13 2. Preoperational (2 to 7 years) Egocentrism---- children interpret objects and events, not in terms of general properties, but in terms of their relationships or their use to them. They are unable to see things from any perspective other than their own. They cannot see another’s point of view. Thought is dominated by what they see, hear, or otherwise experience.

14 3. Concrete (real or actual)Operations (7 to 11 years)  Thought becomes increasingly logical and coherent.  Children able to classify, sort, and otherwise organize facts about the world to use in problem solving.

15 4.Formal operations (11 to 15 years) Thoughts are characterized by adaptability and flexibility. Adolescents can think in abstract terms, use abstract symbols, and draw logical conclusions from a set of observations. They can make hypotheses and test them.

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