1.Class Procedures – general procedures: where to find info, passes (hall & paper), neatness (desk & room), manners (talking & doing other work), academic.


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Presentation transcript:

1.Class Procedures – general procedures: where to find info, passes (hall & paper), neatness (desk & room), manners (talking & doing other work), academic honesty, where everything is located (folders, extra copies, materials/tools), different types of activities we will do (lab, read, color, lecture, crash course); topics: 2. You will need a binder (or folder) for this class! You will keep all papers handed back to you – big end… 3. Technology Remind: text Website: Mechel Golenberke Golenberke Syllabus Golenberke Syllabus (list of chapters – cells…) Golenberke Syllabus Golenberke Calendar Golenberke Calendar High School Science Learning Activity: Mapping Out Biology High School Science Learning Activity: Mapping Out Biology 4. Parent Letter keystone course; technology: website & remind; reading, mistakes: ok, zeros: not ok. Icebreaker with Microbes Welcome to Biology!

Icebreaker with Microbes Pick a Giant Microbe. Look at it & read the tag I will pick someone to start: –Introduce yourself –Introduce your microbe –Tell the class a little about your microbe –Tell the class how you are like your microbe

Textbook Info (this can be found by double clicking on the biology 1 tab) 1. My Big Campus or by directing students to a hyper link that has been added to the right hand side of the district home page “Student Textbooks”. 2. Ipad: Pearson app User cashXXXXXX (X=student number)Password: Eagles2 3. pdfs have been scanned for each chapter (toward the top of each chapter page) & can be saved in iBooks! Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 1 The Science of Biology Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 2 The Chemistry of Life Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 7 Cell Structure & Function Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 8 Photosynthesis Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration & Fermentation Miller Levine Biology textbook Chapter 10 Cell Growth & Division Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 11 Introduction to Genetics Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapters 12 DNA Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 13 RNA & Protein Synthesis Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 14 Human Heredity Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 15 Genetics Engineering Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 16 Darwin's Theory of Evolution Miller Levine Biology Textbook Chapter 18 Classification Miller Levine Textbook Chapter 20 Viruses & Prokaryotes Miller Levine Biology Glossary Miller Levine Biology - 60 pages at end of textbook; diversity of life Miller Levine Biology Appendices 4. finally, you can always read a hard copy: they are available in the classroom or to borrow

Things to Do… Ipad: – Is your set up? Have you signed up for REMIND? (text or ) – Did you find my website & bookmark Bio 1 page & add to homescreen? Make sure you double tap on bio 1 to see a calendar Can you understand & navigate the calendar? Textbook: MBC, Pearson eText app, pdf scans – (find info on bio1 calendar page) Read In Science – yellow Read in Science: Scientific Method Approach – Chapter 20 (20.1) – read, annotate(?) & take notes We will probably need to finish this tomorrow