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Upper extremity Consists of shoulder girdle, upper arms, lower arms, wrists, & hand.

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2 Upper extremity Consists of shoulder girdle, upper arms, lower arms, wrists, & hand.

3 Shoulder girdle Shoulder girdle: clavicle & scapula Forms ONE joint with trunk called sternoclavicalar joint: sternum & clavicle. Sternum joins with clavicle at the acromial end. Scapula attaches to the trunk by MUSCLES, not a bony joint.


5 Humerus Upper arm bone Long bone Proximally, the head of the humerus articulates with the with scapula & the capitulum of the humerus articulates with the radius & ulna Head Capitulum


7 Forearm Radius (on thumb side) & ulna (on pinkie side) Ulna articulates proximally with humerus & radius and distally with a fibrocartilaginous disk. –Does NOT articulate with carpal bones. Radius articulates proximally with humerus and ulna. Radius articulates distally with head of ulna, and 2 carpal bones (scaphoid & lunate)

8 Fibrocartilaginous disk between ulna and carpals.


10 Carpal bones 8 bones Ligiments bind carpals in 2 rows of 4 bones: –Pisiform; triquetrum; lunate; scaphoid –Hamate; capitate; trapezoid; trapezium

11 Metacarpals 5 metacarpals Wide range of movement between thumb metacarpals & trapezium. Heads of metacarpals articulate with phalanges. Trapezium

12 Lower extremity Hip, thigh, lower leg, ankle, & foot constitute lower extremities.

13 Pelvic Girdle Ligaments bind the coxal bones (hips) to the sacrum posteriorly and to each other anteriorly. Ilium makes up the upper part of the hip Ischium is lower Pubis is lower mid portion of hip –Joint between coxal bones called symphysis pubis softens prior to delivery of a baby.

14 symphysis pubis Pubis Ischium Ilium

15 Male vs Female Male –tilted backward –narrow pelvic inlet –Pubic arch less than 90 degree angle –narrow and long sacrum –immovable coccyx –thick and heavy bones Female –Tilted forward –Wide, oval pelvic inlet –Pubic arch more than 90 degrees –Wider and shorter sacrum –movable coccyx –thin and light bones

16 Male Female

17 Femurs Longest & heaviest bones Articulates with coxals & tibia

18 Patella Located in the tendon of the quadriceps.

19 Lower leg Tibia: largest & stronger of the two lower leg bones –Proximally articulates with femur to form knee joint –Distally articulates with fibula and tallus Fibula: smaller –Proximally articulates with lateral condyle of tibia

20 lateral condyle

21 Foot Strong ligaments and tendons hold foot bones together –This gives foot an arch –When they weaken, flat foot results Tarsals: calcaneus, talus, navicular, 3 cuneiforms, cuboid. Metatarsal: 5 –Articulate with phalanges


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