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W E L C O M E Nevitt Computer Lab Mrs. West. E X P E C T A T I O N S Be R espectful Be R esponsible Be R eady to learn.

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Presentation on theme: "W E L C O M E Nevitt Computer Lab Mrs. West. E X P E C T A T I O N S Be R espectful Be R esponsible Be R eady to learn."— Presentation transcript:

1 W E L C O M E Nevitt Computer Lab Mrs. West

2 E X P E C T A T I O N S Be R espectful Be R esponsible Be R eady to learn.

3 R U L E S  Respect others and their belongings.  Be quiet and follow directions.  Keep computer on it’s original settings.  Stay in your seat.  Leave your space clean and your chair pushed in.

4 P R O C E D U R E S  When you come into the Computer Lab, sit in your seat quickly and quietly.  Slide your chair back against the desk behind you and wait for instructions.  Do not touch the computer keyboard or mouse until instructed to do so.  The teacher will tell you to begin the activity when everyone understands the instructions, is quiet and ready to learn.  When leaving the computer lab, clean up your area, push in your chair and stand behind it quietly and wait to be dismissed by row.

5 B A T H R O O M P R O C E D U R E S  Raise your hand with your fingers making a V.  After getting the OK from a teacher, push your chair in, sign out and take the bathroom pass with you.  You must use the bathrooms located in the cafeteria.  Please do not be gone for more than 2 minutes.  When you return, please erase your name, hang the pass back up and return to your seat quickly and quietly.

6 W A T E R B R E A K E S  Raise your hand with your fingers crossed.  After getting the OK from a teacher, push your chair in and go to the sink at the back of the room to get a drink.  If you make a mess, please clean it up.  Return to your seat quickly and quietly.

7 D U R I N G T E S T I N G  Please come in quickly and quietly and set in your assigned seat for testing.  Always bring a book with you to read quietly after you finish your test.  Unless it is an emergency, you must stay in your seats during testing periods. No bathroom or drinks until finished.  Listen to or watch instructions for testing very carefully.  Please be quiet and respectful of other students during testing.  When you are finished with your test, please read your book quietly until all other students have finished.  If using pencil and paper, please leave the pencils and take any used paper with you and throw it away as you leave.

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