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Practice Lab Final Assignment

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1 Practice Lab Final Assignment
Rafael Lumauig

2 Body Regions, Cavities, and Planes

3 Figure 1.7 Regional terms used to designate specific body areas.
2. 1.

4 Figure 1.7 Regional terms used to designate specific body areas.
2. Nuchal 1. Crural

5 Figure 1.9a Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions.
3. 4.

6 Figure 1.9a Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions.
3. Thoracic Cavity 4. Pelvic Cavity

7 Figure 1.9b Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions.
5. 6.

8 Figure 1.9b Dorsal and ventral body cavities and their subdivisions.
5. Superior Mediastinum 6. Pericardial Cavity

9 Figure 1.8 Planes of the body with corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.

10 7. Median(midsagittal) plane
Figure 1.8 Planes of the body with corresponding magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans. 7. Median(midsagittal) plane

11 Tissues

12 Figure 4.3d Epithelial tissues.
Goblet Cell 8. ??????????

13 Figure 4.3d Epithelial tissues.
Goblet Cell 8. Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium

14 Figure 4.8h Connective tissues.
9. ??????????

15 Figure 4.8h Connective tissues.
9. Elastic Cartilage

16 Figure 4.8a Connective tissues.
10. ??????????

17 Figure 4.8a Connective tissues.
10. Areolar Connective Tissue

18 Figure 4.8c Connective tissues.
11. ??????????

19 Figure 4.8c Connective tissues.
11. Reticular Connective Tissue

20 Figure 4.8e Connective tissues.
12. ??????????

21 Figure 4.8e Connective tissues.
12. Dense Irregular Connective Tissue

22 Figure Nervous tissue. 13. ??????????

23 Figure Nervous tissue. 13. Nervous Tissue

24 Figure 4.9c Muscle tissues.
14. ??????????

25 Figure 4.9c Muscle tissues.
14. Smooth Muscle Tissue

26 Bones

27 Figure 7.5a Bones of the lateral aspect of the skull, external and internal views.
16. 15.

28 External Acoustic Meatus 15.
Figure 7.5a Bones of the lateral aspect of the skull, external and internal views. 16. Zygomatic Process External Acoustic Meatus 15.

29 Figure 7.4b Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull.

30 External Occipital Protuberance 17.
Figure 7.4b Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull. External Occipital Protuberance 17.

31 Figure 7.4a Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull.
19. 18.

32 19. Sphenoid Bone Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Bone 18.
Figure 7.4a Anatomy of the anterior and posterior aspects of the skull. 19. Sphenoid Bone Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Bone 18.

33 Figure 7.6a Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed.
21. 20.

34 Figure 7.6a Inferior aspect of the skull, mandible removed.
21. Foramen Magnum Jugular Canal 20.

35 Figure 7.15 The hyoid bone, anterior view.

36 Figure 7.15 The hyoid bone, anterior view.

37 Figure 7.20b The first and second cervical vertebrae.

38 Figure 7.20b The first and second cervical vertebrae.
23. Transverse Foramen

39 Figure 7.26c The scapula. 24.

40 Figure 7.26c The scapula. Coracoid Process 24.

41 Figure 7.31a The hip (coxal) bones.
25. 25. 25. 25.

42 Figure 7.31a The hip (coxal) bones.
Posterior Superior Iliac Spine Anterior Superior Iliac Spine Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine Anterior Inferior Iliac Spine

43 Figure 7.32b Bones of the right knee and thigh.
26. (ridge)

44 Figure 7.32b Bones of the right knee and thigh.
26. Linea Aspera

45 Figure 7.34c Bones of the right foot.
27. 28.

46 Figure 7.34c Bones of the right foot.
27. Talus 28. Calcaneus

47 Joints and Body Movements

48 Figure 8.1a Fibrous joints.

49 Figure 8.1a Fibrous joints.
29. Synarthrotic Fibrous Suture

50 Figure 8.4a Bursae and tendon sheaths.
30. 31.

51 Figure 8.4a Bursae and tendon sheaths.
Subacromial Bursa Tendon Sheath

52 Figure 8.5f Movements allowed by synovial joints.
32. 33.

53 Figure 8.5f Movements allowed by synovial joints.
Lateral Rotation Medial Rotation

54 Figure 8.7e The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types. 34. ??????????

55 34. Synovial Diarthrotic Saddle
Figure 8.7e The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types. 34. Synovial Diarthrotic Saddle

56 Figure 8.7d The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types. 35. ??????????

57 35. Synovial Diarthrotic Condyloid
Figure 8.7d The shapes of the joint surfaces define the types of movements that can occur at a synovial joint; they also determine the classification of synovial joints into six structural types. 35. Synovial Diarthrotic Condyloid

58 Muscles

59 Figure 10.7b Lateral view of muscles of the scalp, face, and neck.
36. 37. 38. 39.

60 Figure 10.7b Lateral view of muscles of the scalp, face, and neck.
Orbicularis Oculi Zygomaticus minor and major Masseter Sternocleidomastoid

61 Figure 10.12a Muscles of the abdominal wall.
40. 41.

62 Figure 10.12a Muscles of the abdominal wall.
40. Serratus Anterior 41. Transversus Abdominis

63 Figure 10.14c Superficial muscles of the thorax and shoulder acting on the scapula and arm.
42. 43.

64 42. Trapezius 43. Supraspinatus
Figure 10.14c Superficial muscles of the thorax and shoulder acting on the scapula and arm. 42. Trapezius 43. Supraspinatus

65 Figure 10.21a Posterior muscles of the right hip and thigh.

66 Figure 10.21a Posterior muscles of the right hip and thigh.
44. Semimembranosus

67 Figure 10.24a Muscles of the posterior compartment of the right leg.

68 Figure 10.24a Muscles of the posterior compartment of the right leg.
45. Gastrocnemius

69 Brain and Spinal Cord

70 Figure 12.3 Ventricles of the brain.

71 Figure 12.3 Ventricles of the brain.
Fourth ventricle

72 Figure 13.6a Location and function of cranial nerves.
47. 48. 49.

73 Figure 13.6a Location and function of cranial nerves.
47. Olfactory Nerve 48. Abducens 49. Hypoglossal Nerve

74 Figure 12.28b Anatomy of the spinal cord.
51. 50. 52.

75 Figure 12.28b Anatomy of the spinal cord.
50. Dorsal root ganglion 51. Dorsal Median Sulcus 52. Ventral Horn of Gray

76 Eye

77 Figure 15.4a Internal structure of the eye (sagittal section).
54. 53. 55. 56.

78 Figure 15.4a Internal structure of the eye (sagittal section).
54. Choroid 53. Ciliary body 55. Posterior segment 56. Optic disc

79 Ear

80 Figure 15.24a Structure of the ear.
58. 57. 60. 59.

81 Figure 15.24a Structure of the ear.
58. Malleus 57. Auricle 60. Pharyngotympanic 59. External Acoustic Meatus

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