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Ch. 23.   1914-1919  9 million casualties  Millions are homeless and hungry  Civil War in Russia World War I.

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Presentation on theme: "Ch. 23.   1914-1919  9 million casualties  Millions are homeless and hungry  Civil War in Russia World War I."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ch. 23

2   1914-1919  9 million casualties  Millions are homeless and hungry  Civil War in Russia World War I

3   1. Nationalism  2. Imperialism  3. Militarism  4. Alliances  5. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand Causes

4   Feeling of intense loyalty to one’s country or group  Encouraged new nations to form  Italy (1860s)  Germany (1870s)  Some ethnic groups demanded independence and their own nations 1. Nationalism

5   European nations were competing to expand their empires  Competed for colonies in:  Africa  Asia  Pacific Ocean  Great Britain and France had huge overseas empires  Germany, Italy, and Russia wanted colonies too 2. Imperialism

6  Colonies that Great Britain has owned at some point


8   European nations needed strong armies and navies to protect their colonies  If one nation increased its military, its rivals felt that they had to do the same  Militarism: Buildup of military strength  Germany, France, and Russia built huge armies  Great Britain had the world’s strongest navy 3. Militarism

9   As a result of militarism, nations formed alliances to protect themselves  Each ally promised to go to war if any of its other allies were attacked  Problem?  Triple Alliance: Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy  Triple Entente: Great Britain, France, and Russia 4. Alliances


11   Heir to the Austrian-Hungarian Empire  Assassinated on June 28, 1914 by Gavrilo Princip  Serbian nationalist  What does that mean? 5. Assassination of Franz Ferdinand



14   1. Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia  July 28, 1914  2. Russia, protector of Serbia, declares war on Austria- Hungary (A-H)  3. Germany, allies with A-H declares war on Russia and France  August 1, August 3  4. Germany invades Belgium  August 4  5. Great Britain, Belgium’s protector, declares war on Germany Chain of War

15   The Allies:  Great Britain, France, and Russia  The Central Powers:  Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire (Turkey)  Italy refuses to honor its allegiance to Germany and A-H  Joins the Allies in 1915 instead The “Great War”

16   Poison Gas  Initially used by Germans  Allies began using it as well  Soldiers were forced to carry masks  Armored Tanks  Could cross battle lines  Protection from trenches  Airplanes  Machine guns fastened to top wing  Submarine  Germans used the U-boat to sink supply ships to Great Britain Technology of WWI




20   Germany was determined to hold onto the parts of France and Belgium that they took  Germans dug trenches for protection from advancing French and British troops  The Allies began to dig their own as well  For 3 years, neither side could advance more than a few miles Trench Warfare





25   President Woodrow Wilson wanted to stay neutral during World War I End of Neutrality


27   German U-Boat sank the British passenger liner the Lusitania on May 7, 1915  128 Americans died on board  It was later learned that the ship also carried war materials Lusitania

28   January 16, 1917  Secret message sent from Germany to Mexico  Intercepted by Britain  Asks Mexico to attack the United States if the U.S. joins World War I  Mexico would be given Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona Zimmerman Telegram

29   April 2, 1917  Woodrow Wilson asks for a declaration of war against Germany  May 18, 1917  Selective Service Act  Set up a military draft  Men aged 21-30 registered America Enters the War

30   British and French troops were exhausted from years of trench warfare  German submarines sank 900,000 tons of supplies/month  That number dropped to 300,000 tons when America joined the war  Russia signed a treaty with Germany in March 1918  Germany could now move thousands of soldiers to the western front America’s Involvement

31   American soldiers began fighting in June 1918  Known as “Doughboys” because of their brass buttons  The U.S., France, and Britain pushed the German army back into Germany  By November, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire surrendered to the Allies  Germany surrendered on November 11, 1918 The End of the War

32   116, 516 dead  204,002 wounded  323,018 total casualties American Casualties

33   June 28, 1919  Germany had to:  Accept full responsibility for the war  Pay billions of dollars in reparations  Disarm completely  Give up its colonies and some territory in Europe  Germans would resent this and Adolf Hitler would use it to gain power in Germany during the 1930s The Treaty of Versailles



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