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My Plate Including a closer look at the essential nutrients.

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1 My Plate Including a closer look at the essential nutrients


3 Nutrients Everything you eat contains nutrients Nutrients perform specific roles in maintaining your body functions Your body uses nutrients in many ways – As an energy source – To heal, build, and repair tissue – To sustain growth – To help transport oxygen to cells – To regulate body functions

4 Essential Nutrients There are six essential nutrients – Carbohydrates – Proteins – Fats – Vitamins – Minerals – Water Getting a proper balance of nutrients during the teen years can improve your health through adulthood

5 Carbohydrates Body’s main source of energy Starches and sugars found in foods Experts recommend 45 to 65 percent of daily calories should come from carbohydrates There are 3 types of carbohydrates

6 Types of Carbohydrates Simple – sugars fructose in fruits lactose in milk Complex – Starches (long chains of sugars linked together) grains in bread and pasta Beans root vegetables like potatoes Fiber (26 grams for teen girls;38 grams for teen boys) – a complex carbohydrate the body cannot digest – it moves waste through your digestive system – Sources include fruits and vegetables whole grains Nuts, seeds, and legumes

7 Proteins Nutrients the body uses to build and maintain its cells and tissues 10-15% of daily calories should be from proteins Made of chemicals called amino acids The body uses 20 amino acids 9 are essential amino acids, and must be found in food, as the body does not produce or synthesize these

8 Foods rich in proteins Meat Eggs Dairy products Grains Nuts Seeds Legumes

9 Fats Less than 25-35% of daily calories should be from fats Your body needs a certain amount of fat to function properly Fats are classified as saturated or unsaturated Essential fatty acids are needed but not produced by the body

10 Types of Fat Unsaturated fats – Vegetable oils – Nuts and seeds Moderate amounts may lower risk of heart disease Saturated fats – Meat – Dairy products – A few plant oils; palm coconut, and palm kernel Too many saturated fats may increase your risk of heart disease Trans fats – Stick margarine – Snack foods – Packaged baked goods Trans fat can raise your total blood cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease

11 Vitamins Compounds found in food that help regulate many body processes Fat-soluble – Vitamin A – Vitamin D – Vitamin E – Vitamin K If consumed in large amounts these vitamins can build up in the body and become harmful Water soluble – B Vitamins – Vitamin C – Folic acid

12 Minerals Elements found in food that are used by the body The body cannot produce minerals, it must get them from food Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Iron

13 Water Water is essential for most body functions – Moving food through the digestive system – Digesting carbohydrates and proteins, and aiding other chemical reactions in the body – Transporting nutrients and removing wastes – Storing and releasing heat – Cooling the body through perspiration – Cushioning the eyes, brain, and spinal cord – Lubricating the joints

14 How much water should you consume? Teen girls need about 9 cups of fluids per day Teen boys 13 cups About 20% of your total water intake comes from the foods you eat Drinking fluids with your meals and when you feel thirsty will supply the body with the water it needs If you are very active you need to drink even more water to replace what your body loses when you sweat – If you feel thirsty you waited too long to take in extra fluid!

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