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English Language Arts Crane & Crespo 2009 Persuasion.

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2 English Language Arts Crane & Crespo 2009 Persuasion

3 Do Now Number your papers from 1-4. Begin working on short answer when teacher reveals the questions. You will have 3 minutes to write. For each question select either A, B, C, or D and write you answer by the corresponding number. Crane & Crespo 2009

4 Quiz A. 1. “The Heartbeat of America, is today’s _________.” B. C. D. Crane & Crespo 2009

5 Quiz 2. “They’re GRRRRRRRRRRReat!” A.B.C.D. Crane & Crespo 2009

6 Quiz 3. “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful ___________.” A. B. C. D. Crane & Crespo 2009

7 Quiz 4. “Mmmm, Mmmm Good…” Crane & Crespo 2009 A. C.D.B.

8 Questions Crane & Crespo 2009 Think of a commercial you have recently seen that inspired you to go out and buy that product.

9 Questions Crane & Crespo 2009 Think of a commercial you have recently seen that inspired you to go out and buy that product.

10 Questions Crane & Crespo 2009 What in the commercial made you buy it? What did you think the product was going to do for you? Were you pleased or disappointed with your purchase, or not sure yet?

11 Answers Crane & Crespo 2009 1.“The Heartbeat of America, is today’s _________.” C. 2. “They’re GRRRRRRRRRReat!” B. 3. “Easy, Breezy, Beautiful ___________.” A. 4. “Mmmm, Mmmm Good…” D.

12 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Who do advertisers target when using Propaganda Techniques? Consumers What is a consumer? Consumers are people who buy things. What are Propaganda Techniques? Propaganda Techniques are used by advertisers to persuade consumers to buy goods, services, and/or ideas.

13 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Seven Propaganda Techniques (Tricks of the Trade)

14 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Name Calling Creates fear or arouses prejudice. Uses negative words or bad names to create a bad opinion about a group, beliefs, or institutions they are against. Uses sarcasm and/or ridicules without providing evidence for both sides.

15 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Glittering Generalities Uses vague statements (slogans or catchphrases) Uses language associated with values and beliefs without giving support or reason for the claim. Appeals to audience emotions of honor, glory, love of country, desire for peace, freedom,or playing on family values. The impression you are left with is good and favorable.

16 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Transfer Plays on approval of something we respect and hold sacred. Uses images that we feel we must accept. Uses symbols to stir our emotions (a waving flag) and win our approval.

17 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Testimonial Often uses celebrity endorsements who gives their stamp of approval. Tells audience to follow their example and use the product or believe in the cause.

18 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Plain Folks Convinces audience that the person/people in the commercial are everyday people like you. They want you to trust the person and believe your best interest is at heart. Uses ordinary language and situations so audience identifies with person in ad.

19 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Bandwagon Everyone is doing it! Plays on feelings of loneliness and isolation. Makes you feel that if you don’t join, you will be left out. If you are already using this product, that makes you a winner: so, keep using it. Do or use this or life will pass you by.

20 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Card Stacking Makes the best case for the product, and makes the worst case for the alternative. Only uses facts that support their product and tries to convince audience that this product is the only solution. Hardest technique to detect because not all information is given. Audience has to make an informed decision and has to decide what information is missing to help them reach a decision.

21 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Discussion : Determine the Techniques Kelly Clarkson: (Proactive) Snuggie : GLMMJ0 GLMMJ0 Tobacco Commercial : ture=PlayList&p=002B80B45461A2E9&index=3&pla ynext=3&playnext_from=PL ture=PlayList&p=002B80B45461A2E9&index=3&pla ynext=3&playnext_from=PL

22 Propaganda Techniques Crane & Crespo 2009 Marines Commercial : ITT Tech Commercial : Diet Pepsi Commercial (30 sec.): Chevy Commercial :

23 Propaganda on Print Ads Crane & Crespo 2009

24 Propaganda on Print Ads Crane & Crespo 2009 Partner up. Study the ads you are given carefully. Determine the Propaganda Techniques used. Identify what the ad is trying to sell. Write down your names and all your answers on paper. This will be your exit slip out of class.

25 Propaganda on Print Ads Crane & Crespo 2009 Work Cited McDonald, Andy and Lene Palmer. Response-Ible Rhetorics: Propaganda Techniques. 15 December 2003. George Mason University. 03 April 2009 aganda%20Techniques.html PowerPoint created by Irma Crespo

26 English Language Arts Crane & Crespo 2009 Thank you!

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