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Irregular verbs. Watch this video lesson for more practice irregular-verbs-with-sound.html.

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1 Irregular verbs




5 Watch this video lesson for more practice irregular-verbs-with-sound.html irregular-verbs-with-sound.html N.B. You don’t have to know all of the verbs from this video lesson.

6 Do a quiz to see how much you have learnt!

7 Do chapter 21 in Basic Grammar Check and then ”Grammar in Action 1” on your computer. Go to ”Alla program”, Applikationer, Grammar in Action and choose 20 questions. After that you can fill in the gaps on the next slide.

8 More tests 01 run: I have never.................. a marathon race in my life. 02 speak: Have you.................. to Mrs Green about the money? 03 sing: We sat around the fire and.................. together. 04 buy: We.................. some milk and bread at the supermarket. 05 swim: Today I have.................. more than two kilometres. 06 begin: It.................. to rain, so we decided to stay at home. 07 read: He was shocked when he.................. about it in the paper. 08 ring: They were just on their way out when the phone................ 09 take: Has Mary.................. this beautiful photograph? 10 drink: He had.................. eight beers, but he still looked sober. 11 write: My wife has already.................. twenty postcards. 12 sleep: I’m so tired, because I.................. badly last night.

9 13 begin: Hurry up, boys! The film has already................... 14 sing: I waited for my favourite song, but they never.................. it. 15 swim: We.................. out to the island and rested on the beach. 16 read: After he had.................. the paper, he watched the news. 17 run: He.................. as fast as he could to get away from the dog. 18 ring: Those church bells have.................. all morning. 19 speak: My father lived in France and.................. good French. 20 write: This is impossible to read! Who.................. it? 21 buy: I wonder who has.................. that big old house? 22 drink: I’m sorry, but I.................. all the juice that was in the fridge. 23 take: I missed the bus, so I.................. a taxi instead. 24 sleep: I have never.................. in a better bed than this one.

10 01 leave: Susan has.................. her husband for another man. 02 tell: Don’t worry! I haven’t.................. anybody about your plans. 03 go: Do you know if they have.................. to Scotland yet? 04 see: He looked very happy when I.................. him this morning. 05 meet: I.................. Mr. Johnson at the bank yesterday. 06 put: He couldn’t remember where he had.................. the papers. 07 come: And now the time has.................. to start the show! 08 lose: It was an exciting game, but in the end Liverpool................... 09 hear: Have you.................. anything from Peter this week? 10 forget: I was going to bring the contract, but I.................. to. 11 say: Gary.................. that they are going to move next month. 12 steal: The burglars.................. all of our compact discs.

11 14 go: We didn’t go to Italy, but we.................. to Spain and Greece. 15 meet: She knows my brother, but she hasn’t.................. my sisters. 16 come: When we.................. back, everybody was already gone. 17 say: I hope you haven’t.................. anything to her about it. 18 put: I.................. your socks exactly where you wanted me to. 19 leave: I can’t pay, because I.................. my money at home. 20 hear: I.................. that somebody was singing upstairs. 21 see: Have you.................. the new film with Mel Gibson? 22 forget: I’m afraid I have.................. what his name is. 23 steal: As I got out, I saw that the car had been................... 24 lose: Oh no! Now I’ve gone and.................. my door keys again!

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