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 Speed Read (5min)  Presidents video(5min)  Birth of a New Nation Power Point (30min)  Lunch  Work Day for Newspaper Project.

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3  Speed Read (5min)  Presidents video(5min)  Birth of a New Nation Power Point (30min)  Lunch  Work Day for Newspaper Project

4  George Washington becomes president  Bill of Rights  Reason that the Anti-Federalist allowed the Constitution to be ratified  Judiciary Act of 1789  Set up Court System


6  Assume State Debt (21.5)  Pay off bonds for face value  Create a national Bank  Necessary and Proper Clause  Import Tariffs  Excise Tax (Whiskey Tax)  Led to Whiskey Rebellion  Avoided Taxing Manufacturing

7  Formed due to Hamilton and Jeffersonian Differences  Federalist v Anti-Federalist  What did Washington Say about Political Parties?

8  Washington made it clear  No alliances but trade alliances  French Revolution  Democracy!!  We helped you!!!!  Cant Jeopardize trade with Britain  Hamilton saw them key to economic development

9  No Political Parties  No alliances  No debt  Set precedent of 2 terms for office

10  Leave the Ohio Valley  False promise  Pay damages to American Shipping  US had to pay debts owed to Britain merchants on pre-Revolutionary Accounts

11  Spain Gave US everything  Free navigation of the Mississippi  The right of deposit in New Orleans  Gave the disputed territory of western Florida


13  XYZ Affair  Aliens Law  Ability to deport foreigners in peace time or imprison them in time of hostility  Sedition Act  If you impede Government function then you can be subjected to fine or imprisonment

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