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Launching a New Nation. Washington Takes Office George Washington Sets up the Government.

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Presentation on theme: "Launching a New Nation. Washington Takes Office George Washington Sets up the Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 Launching a New Nation

2 Washington Takes Office

3 George Washington Sets up the Government

4 1 st Economic Problem

5 Alexander Hamilton’s Financial Plan


7 High Tariffs

8 Whiskey Rebellion


10 Can you remember? 1. How was the government organized under Washington’s leadership? 2. Why did the U.S. face an economic crisis? 3. Name the 3 parts to Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan. 4. Describe the Whiskey Rebellion and how Washington handled the issue.

11 The Birth of Political Parties

12 Republicans and Federalists

13 Early battles

14 Election of 1796

15 Can you remember? 1. How did early political parties begin? 2. Describe the differences in political views between the Federalists and Republicans. 3. Describe the potential problems following the election of 1796.

16 Troubles at Home and Abroad

17 Fighting in the Valley

18 Battle of Fallen Timbers

19 French Revolution

20 Problems with Neutrality

21 Goodbye from G. Washington

22 Can you remember? 1. What caused the conflicts with Natives in the Northwest Territory? 2. How did American react to the French Revolution? 3. What were the major points of Washington’s farewell address? 4. What were Washington’s accomplishments as President?

23  The Presidency of John Adams 

24 XYZ Affair

25 Neutrality becomes an issue

26 Alien and Sedition Acts

27 States Rights

28 Can you remember? What caused tension between the United States and France? What were the provisions of the Alien and Sedition Acts? Why did the issue of states’ rights arise during John Adams’ Presidency?

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