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Large Animal Surgery Dental Sx Trephination Amy Fayette November 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Large Animal Surgery Dental Sx Trephination Amy Fayette November 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Large Animal Surgery Dental Sx Trephination Amy Fayette November 2005

2 What does this pic represent Curve of spee

3 What is the curve of spee The natural slope of the equine dentition

4 What is the accentuated curve of spee

5 Are foals born with incisors No

6 When do the incisors come in 6 days 6 weeks 6 months

7 When are the incisiors replaced 2.5 years 3.5 years 4.5 years

8 How long does it take for a tooth to grow to its full size 6 months

9 How deep are the cups in the teeth 6 mm

10 How many mm are worn off each year 2 mm

11 Are foals born with premolars Yes

12 When are the premolars replaced 1 st is wolf tooth 2 nd PM: 2 years 3 rd PM: 3 years 4 th PM: 4 years

13 Are foals born with molars No

14 When do the molars come in 1 year 2 years 3 years

15 When are the molars replaced They aren’t replaced

16 How do horses usually grind their food Side to side motion of the teeth

17 What is this called Enamel points

18 Where are enamels points Buccal side of maxillary teeth Lingual side of mandibular teeth

19 What is floating Removing the enamel points

20 What is this instrument Swale’s mouth gag

21 What is this instrument Hausmann mouth gag

22 What is this instrument Speculum

23 Before floating what should you do Look at the teeth and palpate

24 What is the arrow pointing to Hook

25 What is the arrow pointing to Ramp

26 What procedure is being done here Creating bit seats

27 What are bit seats, what is the function Rounding of PM 2 so that if the tongue gets stuck between the teeth and bit it can slip out

28 What instrument is this Tooth cutter

29 What is wrong with this horse Wave mouth

30 What is wrong with this horse Wave mouth and ramps

31 What is wrong with this horse Sheer mouth

32 What is sheer mouth Very severe enamel points

33 What is this 3 year old Arabian gelding Retained premolar caps

34 How do you treat retained premolar caps Pull off (screwdriver)

35 What is this instrument Molar forceps

36 What are the options when removing cheek teeth Standing Repulsion under GA –Trephination –Sinusotomy –Buccotomy

37 How do you decide when to use general anesthesia Give yourself 15-20 minutes to get it out standing then use GA

38 What is wrong with this horse Diastemma

39 What is diastema A space between teeth in the same dental arch

40 What are the steps in tooth extraction Separate gingiva from tooth Loosen teeth Wiggle tooth with a side to side movement Extract using a fulcrum Fill alveolus with PMMA or plaster of paris

41 What is the benefit of using plaster of paris instead of PMMA PMMA has to be removed, plaster of paris will dissolve on its own

42 What is this instrument Trephine

43 What is wrong with this horse Draining tract at the base of the ear Dentigerous cyst

44 What is a dentigerous cyst Dental remnants

45 What is the treatment for a dentigerous cyst Complete surgical excision

46 What is the prognosis for a dentigerous cyst Excellent

47 What are the landmarks for trephination Half way on an imaginary line from the cranial edge of the facial crest to the medial canthus of the eye 1 cm ventrally from that line

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