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Defining Sparta and Athens Chapter 4, Section 2. Aim  Students will be able to compare and contrast Spartans and Athenians.

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1 Defining Sparta and Athens Chapter 4, Section 2

2 Aim  Students will be able to compare and contrast Spartans and Athenians

3 Sparta  Needed more land  Conquered new colonies and neighboring Laconians  Messenia and Laconians- became serfs  Captured people were known as helots  Rigidly organized and tightly controlled  Males spent their childhood learning military discipline

4 Sparta  Males enrolled in the army at the age of 20 and stayed until they were 30.  Women’s role was to be physically fit to carry children  Women had greater freedom of movement and rights  Spartan government was an oligarchy  Ephors- elected each year and were responsible for the education of youth  Council of Elders- composed of two kings and 28 citizens over the age of 60

5 Sparta  Assembly only voted- did not debate  New ideas from the outside world were discouraged  People were not allowed to travel abroad

6 Athens  Was ruled by one king  Became an oligarchy  Aristocrats owned the best land and controlled political life  Faced political turmoil due to economic issues  Poor peasants could not obtain land  Draco- politician- codified the laws, added harsh penalties, included slavery for debtors  Cleisthenes- created a new Council of 500- supervised foreign affairs, oversaw treasury, and proposed the laws that would be voted on by the final authority to pass laws after free and open debate

7 The Challenge of Persia  Greeks spread throughout the Mediterranean- came in conflict with the Persian Empire  Persian Empire controlled Ionian Greek cities  Persians tried to take over  Athens defeated the Persians and forced the Persians back to Asia  Based on today’s marathon race- Athens triumph over Persians


9 Xerxes  Xerexes became the new Persian monarch and planned revenge on Greece  Athenians formed a new military  Xerxes led a massive invasion into Greece- 180,000 troops  Athenians, Spartans, and other Greeks were united to attack the Persians  Greeks only had a force of 7,000  Greeks won

10 Athenian Empire  Defeated the Persians and took control of Greece  Athens expanded its empire abroad while democracy flourished at home  Age of Pericles- saw the height of Athenian power and brilliance

11 The Age of Pericles  Direct democracy- a system of government in which the people participate directly in government decision making through mass meetings  Every male citizen participated in the governing assembly and voted on all major issues  5 th century BCE- assemble consisted of about 43,000 male citizens older than 18.  Assembly met every 10 days.

12 Duties of the Assemble  Passed laws  Elected public officials  Made decisions concerning war and foreign policy  Ten officials directed policy  Ostracism- the process of temporarily banning ambitious politicians from the city by popular vote  A person named by at least 6,000 members was banned for 10 years.

13 Information about Athens  Athens had the largest population of the Greek city-states  Slaves numbered around 100,000

14 Economy and Society  Economy was based on farming and trade  Grew olives and grapes  Raised sheep and goats for wool, milk, and dairy products  Athens imported 50-80% of its grain  Women were able to take part in religious festivals but were otherwise excluded from society

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