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Chapter 7 The Axial Skeleton. 7-1: Axial Skeleton skullvertebral column thoracic cage Includes skull, vertebral column, & thoracic cage Supports & protects.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 7 The Axial Skeleton. 7-1: Axial Skeleton skullvertebral column thoracic cage Includes skull, vertebral column, & thoracic cage Supports & protects."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 7 The Axial Skeleton

2 7-1: Axial Skeleton skullvertebral column thoracic cage Includes skull, vertebral column, & thoracic cage Supports & protects brain, spinal cord & organs in ventral body cavity

3 7-2: The Skull Cranial bonesoccipitalfrontal sphenoidethmoidparietaltemporal Cranial bones: occipital, frontal, sphenoid, ethmoid, parietal, temporal bones Facial bonesmaxillaelacrimalnasal zygomaticmandiblenasal conchae vomer Facial bones: maxillae, lacrimal, nasal, zygomatic, mandible, nasal conchae, vomer Sutureslambdoidcoronalsagittal squamous Sutures: lambdoid, coronal, sagittal, squamous

4 7-3 – 7-5: Skull Components Foramina & fissures allow vessels, nerves to enter/exit skull Orbits Orbits enclose eyes Nasal complex Nasal complex encloses nasal cavities & sinuses Fontanelles Fontanelles allow brain growth

5 7-6: Vertebral Column vertebraesacrum coccyx Contains vertebrae, sacrum & coccyx Vertebral Anatomy vertebral body vertebral archarticular processes Each vertebra consists of: vertebral body, vertebral arch, articular processes Spinous process transverse process Spinous process vs. transverse process

6 7-7: Vertebral Regions atlas axis Cervical vertebrae (7); atlas vs. axis Thoracic vertebrae (12) Lumbar vertebrae (5) Sacrum & coccyx

7 7-8: Thoracic Cage Provides support to thoracic cavity, protects organs, muscle attachments Ribs true false floating Ribs: true vs. false vs. floating Sternum manubriumbody xiphoid process Sternum consists of manubrium, body, xiphoid process

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