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Chapter 5 The Spirit of Independence

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1 Chapter 5 The Spirit of Independence

2 Key Terms – To Define Revenue Resolution Boycott Repeal Rebellion
Propaganda Committee of Correspondence Minutemen Loyalist Patriot Preamble Petition

Join or die, this was a political cartoon created by Ben Franklin, stating that we had to join together as a nation or we would all hang separately. THIS IS THE GADSDEN FLAG: THIS FLAG WAS FLOWN BY THE PATRIOTS AGAINST THE LOYALISTS OF GREAT BRITAIN IN RESPONSE TO BRITISH TYRANICAL RULE.

4 No Taxation Without Representation
Proclamation of 1763: Prohibited westward expansion beyond Appalachian Mountains. Stamp Act: Tax on ALL paper goods. Included many items and documents including playing cards, newspapers, and marriage licenses.

5 Sugar Act Sugar Act: Lowered taxes on molasses.
Aimed at stopping smuggling, allows officers to seize smuggled goods. Roughly a 3 cent tax on sugar and increased taxes on coffee, indigo, and certain kinds of wine. Banned French wine, and Rum. These actions by GB would lead to the act of smuggling by the colonists.

6 No Taxation Without Representation
Writ of assistance- court document allowing customs officers to enter any location to search for smuggled goods. Smuggle- move goods illegally into or out of a country. Prohibit- to prevent or forbid.



9 Townsend Acts Townsend Acts These taxes were forced on imported good like glass, paper, and tea. Smugglers increased their activities to avoid the tax leading to more troops in Boston.

10 No Taxation Without Representation
To pay debts from the French and Indian War, the British government raised taxes. George Grenville British Prime Minister calls for taxes Colonists would smuggle goods to avoid taxes. Sam Adams to protest the Stamp Act created a group called the Sons of Liberty Patrick Henry would persuade the VA House of Burgesses to take action against the Stamp Act.

11 Chapter 5 – Section 2 Uniting the Colonists

12 BOSTON MASSACRE March 5, 1770 – Boston Massacre The colonists and British soldiers openly clashed in the city of Boston. Redcoat soldiers fire their muskets at unarmed crowd. Crispus Attucks is first colonist killed, 4 others would follow. Event was an example of British cruelty. Engraving created by Paul Revere, he made it look worse to get more people to support independence!

[Before] A mob of about 60 angry townspeople descended upon the guard at the Customs House (Gov't office). [Before] When reinforcements were called, the crowd became more unruly, hurling rocks and snowballs at the guard and reinforcements… Shortly after this incident and many like it, in the heat of a confusing melee, the British fired without Captain Thomas Preston's command. Imperial bullets took the lives of five men, including Crispus Attucks, a former slave. Others were injured.

14 Uniting The Colonists The Tea Act removed some but not all of the taxes on tea. The act made tea less expensive for colonists. Colonists were still very unhappy.

15 Uniting the Colonists 1773 - Boston Tea Party
Colonists dressed up as Mohawk Indians Boarded 3 British Ships that had tea on board. 342 Chests of tea thrown into Boston Harbor In today’s money 1 Million dollars of tea destroyed.

16 Coercive / Intolerable Acts
Coercive Acts- to force someone to do something. It forced the colonies to let British soldiers live among the colonists. banned town meetings in Massachusetts. closed Boston Harbor until the colonists paid for the ruined tea. GB tried to cut Massachusetts off from the other colonies. The other colonies came to MASS’s Aid Colonists called the coercive acts intolerable. Intolerable means painful and unbearable.

17 Uniting the Colonists British Soldiers are called Redcoats
Boston Massacre happened after a colonist threw a club at a Redcoat officer. After the Massacre GB repealed (reversed) Townshend Acts but not the tax on Tea. Punish for tea party = Coercive Acts


19 Chapter 5 – Section 3 A Call to Arms

20 Don’t Tread On Me? ***DON’T NEED TO COPY***
"Don't Tread On Me“ - Metallica Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail. Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail Never begins it, never, but once engaged...Never surrenders, showing the fangs of rage Don't tread on me. So be it Threaten no more To secure peace is to prepare for war So be it. Settle the score. Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore... Don't tread on me Love it or leave it, she with the deadly bite. Quick is the blue tongue, forked as the lightning strike Shining with brightness, always on surveillance. The eyes, they never close, emblem of vigilance Don't tread on me So be it. Threaten no more. To secure peace is to prepare for war. So be it. Settle the score Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore... Don't tread on me So be it. Threaten no more. To secure peace is to prepare for war Liberty or death, what we so proudly hail. Once you provoke her, rattling of her tail So be it. Threaten no more. To secure peace is to prepare for war. So be it Settle the score. Touch me again for the words that you'll hear evermore... Don't tread on me


22 LEXINGTON (Redcoats Win)
A Call to Arms 1st BATTLES OF REVOLUTION: LEXINGTON (Redcoats Win) CONCORD (Patriots Win)

23 A Call to Arms Delegates from the colonies except Georgia were Continental Congress Philadelphia. The Continental Congress called for a plan for the colonies to arm themselves (weapons) v. the British. The Continental Congress, represented American’s and challenged British rule. King George III told Parliament that the New England colonies were in rebellion. Thomas Gage was a British General instructed to arrest leaders of the MASS militia.

24 A Call to Arms Boston militia stored its arms and ammunition in Lexington & Concord, about 20 miles from the city. Redcoats marched to Lexington & Concord to destroy weapons and arrest rebel leaders. When British soldiers marched back to Boston from Concord, militia fired at them from behind trees & fences. Sneak attack warfare = guerrilla warfare.


26 Chapter 5 – Section 4 Declaring Independence

27 Declaring Independence
Meetings held to discuss independence and how to govern the colonies. Set up how to print money, post offices, Foreign Policy, or how the colonies would deal w/ other nations It also dealt w/ Native Americans relations. Set up the Continental Army The Patriots w/ Washington as general.

28 Continental Congress

29 Guests in Attendance John and Samuel Adams, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, and George Washington. Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, John Hancock.

30 Declaring Independence
Common Sense- Written by Thomas Paine Called for Colonies to break away from Great Britain.

31 Declaration of Independence
Declaration is Mostly written by Thomas Jefferson Signed on July 2, 1776 Independence declared on July 4th July 4th originally celebrated July 8th 1941; Independence Day moves to July 4th.

32 Declaring Independence
2nd Continental Congress Pres = John Hancock. The Continental Congress chose Ben Franklin to run a new post office system. The delegates sent the Olive Branch Petition to King George III to asking for protection of colonists rights. King George did not sign it! Washington / Continental Army pushed GB out of Boston. 1st Person to sign Dec of Independence = John Hancock.


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