Mr. Dyson Mr. Dyson

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Dyson Mr. Dyson"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Dyson E-mail:

2 Mr. Dyson E-mail:

3 Mr. Dyson E-mail:

4  Section of binder or spiral notebook just for this class  Scientific Calculator (Graphing Calculator Optional)  Pencils!!! Paper!!!  Internet Access  Helpful Items: graph paper, colored pencils, straight edge, protractor

5  Your learning and the learning of your classmates is affected by your behavior. When you aren’t learning, it is often a result of inappropriate actions during class. To achieve maximum performance, you must:  Follow teacher’s directions the first time they are given.  Come to class on time and prepared. (This means that you are quietly seated when the bell rings and have all appropriate materials ready.)  Take complete, organized notes during class.

6  Actively participate in all class activities (written and verbal) and complete all assignments in a timely manner.  Always act in a respectful manner toward others.  Ask thoughtful questions.  All the rules of the school apply in this room. This means that cellphones and other electronic devices are prohibited, hats may not be worn, and you may not have food, drinks, gum, candy, etc. (You may have water and only water! No coloring or sweetener content permitted. Water! H2O! The clear liquidy stuff!)  Any exception to any of these rules requires a Parental and/or Doctor’s Note.

7 Disciplinary Consequences: Failure to follow the rules is detrimental to your learning as well as the learning of others. If you waste class time with inappropriate conduct, you are stealing education from 30 other people. This will result in: Warning Student/Teacher conference Parent phone call and/or Detention Lowering of Behavior Grade Disciplinary Referral

8 Your grade will consist of the following components: Classwork/Participation/Pre paredness : 25% Homework: 15% Tests/Quizzes/Projects: 60%

9 Everybody starts with a ‘1’ in behavior. If you are cooperative and considerate of others in class, it will remain a ‘1’. If it is necessary for me to speak to you on a consistent basis regarding inconsiderate behavior, your grade will be lowered accordingly. Also, if I have to assign you a detention and you do not report to it within the allotted time period, your behavior grade will be lowered. Additionally, cutting class will result in lowering of your behavior grade, since cutting is bad behavior.

10 I do not close the door immediately upon the ringing of the late bell. I generally wait a minute, look up and down the halls to see if any of my students are there, and then close the door. Once the door is closed, you are late. When you enter late, please do so quietly and without disruption. Lateness will only be excused if you present me with a valid note from a staff member. On the second lateness, a detention will be assigned during your lunch or after school. Detention lasts 15 minutes. If your lateness continues, parents and/or your SLC leader will be notified. Further lateness will be written up as a disciplinary referral.

11 When you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to find out what you missed. All assignments are online. If you are absent, you should check the website from home as soon as possible. When you are absent, the absence is initially coded unexcused. When you return to school and show me an acceptable absence note (which contains the date(s) of absence, reason for absence, and parent signature), the absence will be coded excused.

12 Please do not interrupt lessons because you want to go to the bathroom. Since I do not close the door immediately at the beginning of class anyway, you always have a few minutes to get to the bathroom. Don’t waste them by coming and asking if you can go to the bathroom. Just Go! In accordance with school rules, no passes will be issued the first or last 15 minutes of class.


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