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Follow classroom procedures Be responsible in the classroom!

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1 Follow classroom procedures Be responsible in the classroom!

2 Definition  When you are responsible by following classroom procedures, you educate yourself about the procedures and you refer to them if you have any questions. You do what is asked of you in the way it is asked to be done. This helps things run smoothly and gives everyone time for learning and sometimes even the fun things, because we don’t waste time when we follow procedures.

3 Teacher Model  During the first day and often a few days after that, your teacher will let you know how things should be done in his or her classroom. Should you sharpen your pencil whenever necessary or should you raise your hand and ask to sharpen it first? Should you get your art supplies out when you walk in the door or should you sit down and wait for your teacher to tell you to get your art supplies out? Should you log on to your computer or should you wait for the signal from your teacher that it is time to log on? These are all procedure questions, and it depends on what your teacher has asked you to do. Some teachers might want different things, because that’s what works best for them, and that’s okay. You need to listen to the teacher and read the procedures posted on the wall.

4 Example  Jenna listens to Mrs. Johnson say that their green folder should be turned in to the container outside the room when students arrive to class. Jenna places her green folder in the correct spot when she arrives to class.

5 Non-example   Jason hears Mrs. Matheney say that students should read a book for pleasure once their journals are completed. Jason doesn’t have his math homework done, so he gets that out instead. Mrs. Matheney has to interrupt the class to tell Jason to read his book.

6 Example  Chelsea listened to Mrs. Meintz explain her procedures, but she just can’t remember what she is supposed to do to get the teacher’s attention. She looks up on the wall and reads her procedures. Chelsea sees that she is supposed to raise one finger if she wishes to speak. Chelsea raises one finger, and Mrs. Meintz calls on her.

7 Practice  Practice procedures for specific classrooms.  Practice procedures for specific routines in the classroom.

8 Teacher feedback:  Refer to posted procedures and thank students for being responsible by following procedures.

9 Discussion  Have students discuss procedures for ordering and paying for food at McDonald’s versus at Pancake City. Other procedures could include dropping students off and picking students up in the parking lot, going to a doctor’s appointment, buying a new toy, etc. It’s good to know and follow procedures wherever we are, because it helps the system run smoothly and often allows you to obtain what you want.

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