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Where am I supposed to sit? Anywhere you would like Just sit in the same place each day until I can learn your name. Also, I may change where you sit if.

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Presentation on theme: "Where am I supposed to sit? Anywhere you would like Just sit in the same place each day until I can learn your name. Also, I may change where you sit if."— Presentation transcript:

1 Where am I supposed to sit? Anywhere you would like Just sit in the same place each day until I can learn your name. Also, I may change where you sit if you can’t handle sitting beside your friends

2 Who is Mr. Hamilton as a person?

3 Will Mr. Hamilton treat me fairly? ALWAYS

4 What will I be doing this year?

5 How will I be graded? Home/Classwork: 35% Exam: 30% Quiz: 25% Participation: 10%

6 What supplies do I need? A 3 ring binder with tabs Black Pens Colored Pencils #2 Pencils Composition book for journal.

7 Mr. Hamilton’s Guidelines and Procedures What are the rules in this classroom? Allied Health Science I and II

8 What is a procedure? A procedure is simply “how things are done”. When we make a cake we follow procedure. When we go to the fast food restaurant we follow a procedure.

9 What is a Guideline? Guidelines are used to keep us on the right track. Sometimes called rules. Used everyday in all that we do. Examples, are the school guidelines.

10 Guideline # 1 Please be in your assigned seat and working on the “bellwork” that is on the board when the tardy bell rings. All bellwork is checked for completion and used as a quiz grade every 3 weeks.

11 Guideline # 2 Please come to class prepared with your materials that you will need. Please take all materials and personal belongings with you when you leave.

12 Guideline # 3 Listen! Chances are you need to know what I am saying! I consider it rude if you talk while I am talking. There will be plenty of times for you to talk.

13 Guideline # 4 Treat each person in this room with respect and dignity. Including equipment.

14 Guideline # 5 Follow all school guidelines which are outlined in your student handbook.

15 Guideline #6 Cell Phones- All cell phones must be turned off prior to entering my class. Please do not have them out. I hate taking them but I will.

16 Following Guidelines will result in: Verbal Acknowledgement. A stress free learning environment. A pleasant and orderly classroom atmosphere.

17 Not Following Guidelines will result in: 1 st -Warning and documentation ● 2 nd -Action Plan (meet with me), and parental contact. ● 3 rd -Disciplinary Referral

18 Classroom Procedures “How things are done”

19 Entering My Classroom Please Enter Quietly Have a seat Take out your materials Begin the “bellwork” assignment on the board

20 When You Are Tardy… Please Enter Quietly Excused: Place the excuse in the tray at the door. Unexcused: Please sign the sheet of paper on the table near the door: Name, Date, and time of arrival.

21 Getting Your Attention I will: Stand in front of the room and raise my hand. When you see my hand you should raise your hand also. I will wait for everyone to be quiet and then begin speaking.

22 Finishing Classwork Early What do I do next? Work on any unfinished assignments. Study USE YOUR TIME WISELY!!!

23 After an EXCUSED Absence… Look in the make up box on the counter at the back of the class. Write down any assignments that are listed. Retrieve any handouts YOU are responsible for making up missed work. You have 2 days for every 1 Excused absence. After that the work will not be accepted

24 Class Dismissal Please remember that the teacher dismisses you – NOT the bell Please do not start packing up prior to the bell ringing- It IS RUDE!

25 Passing in Papers Please place papers on the desk to the left of where you are sitting. This will keep everyone from being poked, stabbed, shoved, and annoyed when papers are being passed in. All papers will be returned to individual folders in the back of the room.

26 Testing When I give a test, I will pass out all test face down and then tell you to begin. You may not start until I tell you to do so. When you are finished turn your test over and sit quietly and I will pick up your test. Once I have picked up your test you may work on unfinished assignments, read, or color in your anatomy coloring book. If you are absent the day of a test you are expected to take the test the day you return to school.

27 If you need to use the restroom…… Please do not interrupt class to ask to go the bathroom. Please hold up 3 fingers and I will acknowledge you and nod if you are dismissed to go to the bathroom.

28 Remember…….. I truly believe in your potential and abilities. I want you to believe in them as well. Each one of you can be successful in my class. Please see me if you are having trouble. I promise to help you in any way possible. I can be contacted via email at

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