The Mechanics of the College Application Process Brett Levine-Director of Guidance Brooke Mascia, Counselor 9-16-2013.

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1 The Mechanics of the College Application Process Brett Levine-Director of Guidance Brooke Mascia, Counselor 9-16-2013

2 MHS Guidance Department  Director: Brett Levine  Counselors: Sarah Mazak, Nancy O’Brien, Brooke Mascia, and Phyllis Levy  Support Staff:, Carolyn White, Clare McAloon 2

3 Tonight’s Program  60-75 Minutes  Posted on MHS Guidance Web site.  Practical Information.  Reinforce information presented in summer mailing and Jr. parent night.  Students got a very condensced version of this presentation during group guidance. 3

4 Agenda  Guidance Facts and Figures  In School College Visits  Admissions Cycle  Application Process  Scholarships  Key Reminders  FC Demonstration  Closing Thoughts 4

5 Where the Class of 2013 Applied  17 CCM/BU/Towson  18 Rowan  20 Loyola, Fairfield, U of RI  22 Fordham, U of Delaware  27 Northeastern  32 Rutgers 5 *

6 Top schools Where Students Matriculated: Class of 2013  3 @ Elon, Loyola, Towson  4 @ FDU, Fairfield, Rowan, Kean, Montclair State, Northeastern  12 @ Rutgers  13 @ CCM 6

7 Upcoming Events ( For Seniors and/or their parents)  Senior conferences (Starting now)  Senior group guidance (9/15,16)  College Fair @ CCM (9/22)  Financial Aid Night (1/9)  CCM Admissions Processing Day/Field Trip (2 days in April)  In-School College Visits (on-going)  CWC’s MOOC’s (3/20) 7

8 In School College Visits  Sign up on Family Connections  Student is responsible for getting permission from teacher (prior), and making up work. (30 minutes)  Code of conduct  Person visiting is often the application reader.  (Off campus visit-Get a note from college) 8

9 Admissions Cycle Apply Hear Decide 9

10 Application types (a sample, there are many more)  Early Decision.  Early Action.  Regular Decision.  Rolling Admission. 10

11 Decisions  Accept  Accepted for Spring term  Reject  Deferred: (EA or ED)  Supplemental Information  Waitlisted (Notified Mid May-August)  Supplemental Information 11

12 Making the Final Decision  May 1 st -Deposit date  Can only deposit to one college. (exception, wait list)  Navigating the wait list.  Courtesy to notify non-attending colleges where you are going.  Let guidance know of all decisions.  Guidance will automatically send final transcript to matriculating college. 12

13 Nuts and Bolts  How things get done  What you send  What we send 13

14 14 WHAT THE STUDENT IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SENDING … 1.Application/Application Fee 2.Essays/Personal Statements 3.Supplemental Materials (Portfolio, graded papers, letters of recommendation from non-faculty member, Early Decision Agreement, anything else the college wants that we don’t send. 4.SAT/ACT scores 5.NCAA Info

15 What Madison High School Sends..  Transcript w/ GPA, senior yr schedule, class rank (optional). Any change in schedule, an updated transcript will be sent.  High School profile  Secondary school report form/ counselor recommendation. Mid year grades and final transcripts. (1 st MP report card optional)  Teacher recommendations (often two). 15

16 HOW WILL WE (MHS) SEND MATERIALS?  Electronically (EDOCS) 16

17 What do we need in order to do this?  Transcript Request form (Key Points, let’s take a look)  I have registered with common application  I have matched common app w/ family connections.  Colleges I’m thinking about in FC and CA.  ICONS  Common lunch is the only time to submit this form.  Kids need to know application/delivery method. 17

18 Steps for teacher recommendations  Ask teacher  Submit request via family connections.  Provide teacher with any information they want.  Provide them w/ envelope if college does not receive materials electronically (rare)  Check to see if college received it.  On FC, On Common app, on college account. 18

19 IMPORTANT TAKE-AWAYS  ICONS  Remember to register for Common Application (Commonapp.Org)  Remember to fill out FERPA on FC  Remember on-line teacher letters of recommendation. 19

20 20 Prepare an envelope for each college your child is applying to THAT DOES NOT ACCEPT ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS (RARE ) Stamp each envelope Write Madison High School’s return address On envelope, write the name and address of the college Madison High School 170 Ridgedale Avenue Madison, NJ 07940

21 SCHOLARSHIPS  Posted on Family Connections.  Different categories: National, State, Local, College.  College merit scholarships are usually not posted on FC. (Exception: WUSL, Davidson, UVA, Emory)  Let us know of any scholarships awarded. (Including college merit awards)  Be neat, type them up.  Apply apply apply.  Similar procedure as college application (envelope, transcript request form).  Student should write thank you note. 21

22 Quick Family Connections Demonstration 22

23 Please Keep In Mind…  Responsible for sending SAT/ACT scores. Not sent by HS.  OK for colleges to receive things in stages.  10 Day Rule  Overlap between us sending it out and colleges recording it.  Rutgers. Self reporting  Transcript request during common lunch only.  Check FC for status  Responsible for registering for selective service  Responsible for registering for NCAA Eligibility Center 23

24 How parents can support through the process  Make sure student schedules Sr. Conference  Remind: important Dates  Remind: College visits  Keep ‘em on track.  Keep us in the loop.  Honest conversations with students about $$ 24

25 Final Thoughts  Guidance has resources on non-college options.  Clean up digital dirt (i.e.. Face book, Twitter)  Use Scattergrams on Family Connections.  Colleges review final transcripts and can rescind admissions decisions.  We are here to help! 25

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