Recruitment Marketing Global Enterprise Recruitment Marketing Recruitment Marketing Disney College Program Marketing Strategy May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Recruitment Marketing Global Enterprise Recruitment Marketing Recruitment Marketing Disney College Program Marketing Strategy May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recruitment Marketing Global Enterprise Recruitment Marketing Recruitment Marketing Disney College Program Marketing Strategy May 2015

2 Objective To deepen the connection with prospective and current College Program Participants and Alumni by mimicking actual university and college recruitment strategies and tactics in order to emphasize a sense of community while using interactive and participant- generated content.

3 Approach Develop comprehensive marketing tactics that applies to students throughout all of the stages of the recruitment lifecycle and across various platforms and mediums.  Future Participants  Living  Learning  Earning  Current Participants  Living  Learning  Earning  Alumni  Next Stage of Living  Continuous Learning & Earning

4 Prospective Participants/Applicants

5 Career Portal Current layout Hard to find important Living, Learning, and Earning components—essential to marketing value of the CP Does not feature user-generated content (UGC) New layout: Highlights Living, Learning & Earning components Features #MyDisneyCP tab—pulling UGC photos from social media Current UGC “Explore Stories” tab on Facebook is hard to find

6 Living  Current website features pictures of 360 degree views of apartment rooms but does not include Participants in the photo making it hard for prospective students to visualize themselves in the housing  Feature students at each complex to allow prospective Participants to visualize themselves living at each complex  Benefits  Provided apartment amenities  Computer Labs  Outdoor Areas (pool, basketball court, etc.)  Learning Center with DVDs

7 Living  Create interactive “fake” Classifieds section to highlight different room & apartment set- ups at each housing complex–then link to new DORMS website  Written Packing Lists  Multiple packing lists to include various “types” of Participants (those driving, those flying in, Winter Participants, Spring/Summer Participants, etc.)  Highlights items Participants really need to bring with them  Include brief info about 3 rd party item pre-order option

8 Learning  Social Meme series called “#MyDisneyCP Taught Me”  Meme features Participants photo with quote highlighting what they’ve learned and the value they’ve gained from Disney CP whether in the classroom or at work “ “

9 Learning  On Website: Interactive Yearbook Page  Click on each student’s picture to ‘explore their story’ and read about a class/seminar they took, project they worked on, the kind of teacher they had, etc.  Can also click on pictures of teachers to explore their story and read about classes they taught, why they love teaching Disney College Program students, etc.

10 Earning  Hold College Program Live Tweet Chat focusing on marketing Hard to Fill roles. Ask CPs at HTF work locations (Custodial, Housekeeping, etc.) to answer pre-determined questions during a live tweet chat during shift, while also answering live questions from Twitter followers  Written example Resumes featured under Earning section of Career Portal to show Prospective Participants how they can feature their work in various roles on their resume further illustrating the career value the student will earn if they choose to do the Program

11 Current Participants

12 Living  Send personalized Disney CP branded postcards to accepted candidates. These postcards will be written by current Participants detailing their experience on the Program and giving a very brief look into their own College Program story. Current Participants can volunteer to write postcards online which could be fulfilled by Action Mail.  Bridges the gap between Offer and Acceptance stage – previous work of Campus Reps. I am having the best time working here at the Disney College Program! Can’t wait for you to come and experience the magic! Minnie Mouse See you soon!

13 Living  Hold “Housing FAQ” Live Twitter Parties with pizza, ice cream, etc. for Current Participants at Vista Way, Patterson and Chatham to answer Tweet Chat questions for prospective Participants. Marketing Communications would be on hand to help moderate Tweet Chat and regulate Current Participants’ answers.  Feature pictures of current Participants taken in front of their apartment door/building, at a Learning Center, at the pool etc.  Takes the Twitter Party idea one step further, makes it more interactive and further humanizes our social media interactions

14 Learning  Encourage Participants to upload photos at Housing Events and Learning Opportunities to upload photos using #MyDisneyCP along with #DisneyPrograms  Graduation Ceremony: Participants in each role (Housekeeping, Custodial, Attraction, etc.) receive a different colored tassel like students belonging to different colleges at a university. Fosters a feeling of community and a greater sense of belonging * #DisneyPrograms is already in use. Participants will be encouraged to use both hashtags. Use of both hashtags will be rewarded by picking one UGC photo with both #MyDisneyCP and #DisneyPrograms to be featured on Facebook and Twitter each week

15 Earning  Encourage Participants to submit photos using the hashtag #MyDisneyCP—that are then displayed on the #MyDisneyCP tab on website  #MyDisneyCP allows users to feel a sense of ownership and belonging to the program, while fostering a sense of community and emotional connection  Also encourages the use of #DisneyPrograms in addition to #MyDisneyCP

16 Alumni

17 Living Post -College Program  Engage alumni during off-season with photos and images encouraging alumni to share their story  Images of housing complexes and copy “Where did you live on your Disney College Program? Tag yourself if you lived here at Vista Way!”  Images of students in classroom with copy “Here’s this morning’s Corporate Communication class at Patterson Court! What courses did you take on your Disney College Program?” Example: Ohio State’s Alumni Engagement Social Strategy

18 Continuous Learning & Earning  Encourage alumni to set up local chapters, provide marketing collateral for interested alumni to distribute to local community/colleges  Once the local Alumni chapters have been created, encourage company leaders to speak at chapter events when possible (in person or virtually) to encourage a circular recruitment lifecycle.

19 Timeline

20 Thank You

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